Love of Blood (Alice x Evil Demonic Male Reader)

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requested by Master_Xeno

Student: Bye Y/N!

You heard a kid on your bus say, you turned around, smiling as you waved bye to them, watching the bus take off as you continued to wave to everyone. You turned around, facing your house as you grew a face of almost disgust. You checked the time to see it was 6pm. You stayed late at school because you needed to finish somethings, and steal stuff too. You walked into your house, greeting your parents as they were caring and loving, you had a big family and you loved them, yet you would love even more to see them all die horrible deaths. It wasn't anything personal, just how you thought.

Y/N: I'll being going to bed now, goodnight.

You said to them. They all wished you goodnight as you walked up to your door and walked in your room, locking the door, assumingly going to sleep, or that's what everyone thought. You had it up to there with your good reputation, thought to be the good kid, the one that was always nice. But you didn't care for that, you've only went to that school to watch bloodshed and murder, watching those students get ripped apart brought you joy, yet you craved more.

Y/N: I'm done with this, forced to stay in the shadows, watching it all, I wanna taste the blood of the victims, I wanna watch their final breath be taken as they're ripped apart, limb by limb.

You said, suddenly grabbing a rug from your floor.

Y/N: This will help me.

You flung it off the floor, rolling it up as you looked down, seeing an unfinished pentagram on the floor. You sighed as you opened your backpack, pulling out a paint can. You placed it on your desk, opening it as you ripped off the label for red, seeing in black sharpie, "Blood".

Y/N: Perfect, this should be enough.

You said to yourself, turning the lights off as you began to set up candles everywhere, you placed them all around your room as you lit a match, slowly lighting every single candle around you. Luckily they had no strong scent, so nobody would get suspicious, yet the smell of the smoke would eventually catch someone from downstairs, so you had to act quick. You took a deep breath as you leaned down with a paintbrush. Finishing the pentagram with a few more strokes. You smiled as you put everything aside. Opening a book in front of it as you got to your knees.

Y/N: Okay, cut my hand open and recite the spell, then . . . finally I'll be ready.

You closed your eyes as you sliced your palm open, gasping a little bit as you put it on the middle of the pentagram. You felt the chill of wind around you as you looked down, closing your eyes. You didn't feel normal, you almost felt like something inside of you awoken

Y/N:  Si hoc legistic, nuntium, secretum invenisti. Haec verba tantum stultissima sunt, quae in modum carmini agunt. POSSEDI

You opened your eyes as they were bright red. You looked around as you were floating in the air, you felt a surge of energy around you, as if you were being powered by something, you closed your eyes as lightning struck around, storms coming as finally you were lowered down, standing on your feet as you sighed.

Y/N: God dammit!

You yelled, seeing that your room was a mess from the ritual, everything was everywhere. You decided to just do it later the next day as you got ready for bed. You raised your hands as your clothes flung towards you, you quickly grabbed them as you smiled.

Y/N: Perfect, now I can take things into my own hands.

You said, your eyes turning red as you began to imagine the possibilities, killing all those students, ripping their hearts out as you watch them bleed. You laid down in bed as you sighed, slowly falling asleep as you got ready.

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