Bloody Love (Yandere Alice x Shy Male Reader)

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requested by ludwigkoopa7000

(A/N: Apparently the creator of FPE says people aren't a true fan if they ship anyone else with Alice that isn't Oliver . . . now in this case here's a simple fix, since it's Alice x Reader, the reader can just assume they're Oliver. Or realize this isn't exactly shipping, just fanfic.

[Flash back]

Don't go in her room. That's what they all said, this singular rule even the teachers followed. It confused you and made you curious, what was so special about this one door, this one room. It was a door unlike the rest in the school, marked for a person named Alice, you were standing in front of it as you felt the urge to just go in. You looked around, seeing nobody there, no students were in the area you so sighed and just opened the door and walked in. You closed the door as you suddenly saw aa giant blackish void all around, it was weird and confusing considering how small the room had to have been. You began to walk through it, almost scared.

Y/N: H-Hello?

You called out, looking around. You suddenly heard footsteps as you flung around, seeing nobody. You were starting to not feel alone, somebody was around. You kept hearing footsteps but never saw the person.

Y/N: P-Please I-I'm s-sorry! I-I d-don't w-wanna i-invade o-on a-anyone's s-space. I-I'll l-leave!

You said, suddenly turning towards the door as you were going to make a break for it.

???: Why leave . . . . when you can find comfort with me.

You heard the voice say as you were confused.

Y/N: W-What d-do you m-mean?

You said.

???: Sweetie, I have a more watchful eye on everyone in the school than you think. I can see somethings, yet you caught my most interest.

You heard the voice echo.

Y/N: A-Are y-you A-Alice?

You asked.

Alice: Yes I am, good job sweetie. Now stay a chat with me for a while, nobody will notice you're missing.

She said, a chair appearing next to you as you smiled, sitting down as you enjoyed her company.

[Alice POV]

I was watching this cutie just sit there quietly, lightly talking with me as I felt all warm and fuzzy. His company felt so good, felt so nice. I knew I made the right choice of not killing him when he walked in. I wanted to just instantly reveal myself and just hug and shower him with kisses. But someone this cute must belong to somebody.

Alice: I swear whoever is interested in him wont be able to even think his name before they're choked out and ripped apart.

I growled to myself as I quietly said it.

Y/N: W-What?

He asked.

Alice: N-Nothing, just talking to myself, please continue!

Paper Love (Fundamental Paper Education characters x Male Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now