A Helping Hand (Miss Sasha x Shy Male Reader)

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requested by BrianGeller

Beep Beep Beep

You were sleeping peacefully on your bed, only to hear the loud alarm of your clock, you wanted to sleep longer, and tried to fall back asleep, but you were basically already awake, so you slowly got up, tapping the top of your alarm clock as you turned it off, yawning as you looked up. You were still a little slow but you still got up, stretching back as you rubbed your eyes.

Y/N: God why d-does it have to be so loud sometimes.

You said to yourself, as you walked over to your closet, you peaked over at your walls as you saw them in a mess of colors and patterns. You knew that you'd eventually had to get that done, but you were almost out of paint, so you couldn't do anything till the weekend. You got to your closet as you took out your clothes, yawning again as you quickly got dressed.

Y/N: I wish they were here.

You said, holding some emotion back as you pushed your head through your collar, peeking at a picture frame of your parents, one of the only pictures you'd even taken with them. You walked out from your bedroom to downstairs as you smiled lightly, seeing all the walls in beautiful shades and colors. You gathered some papers scatted all around your kitchen counter as you quickly made sure you had your school lunch packed as you knew you had to be out of the house and to the bus stop quickly, or else you'd miss it and have to walk. You made sure you had your art supplies today as it was an exciting day, you took out a flyer as you saw that the art room was looking for a new assistant, they needed a student to help with stuff, once a week they'd spend the entire school day there, it was a dream come true to you, being picked. You smiled as you suddenly blushed, your thoughts leaning towards Miss Sasha, the art teacher as you quickly tried to forget it, you made sure you had everything packed as you got everything ready. You walked up to the front door as you sighed, opening it as you felt the cool air, walking to the sidewalk as you felt the rising sun's heat, balancing the cold air for a perfect temperature.

[Time Skip]

After enjoying the fresh air you managed to make it to the bus stop on time, enjoying the quiet and peaceful ride as you suddenly found yourself standing in front of the Paper Highschool. You lightly smiled as you quickly rushed it. It was a little loud in the halls during the morning, a lot of people talking and just messing around till the bell would ring, so you wanted to make it to the art class quickly, even if it was before the bell rung, you wanted to make sure that you were there early incase Miss Sasha needed any help.

Y/N: Y-You got this.

You said to yourself as you began to speed walk through the halls. You didn't like that much attention put on you, but you also didn't like interacting with a lot of the students, they were nice and kind, but you were always nervous about screwing up greeting them. You quickly got lost into your thoughts, almost about to fully start day-dreaming, when suddenly you bumped into somebody, falling backwards.

???: Ow!

You fell to the ground as you saw someone knocked forward a bit in front of you. You looked up, suddenly gasping in h\orror, seeing Miss Thavel.

 You looked up, suddenly gasping in h\orror, seeing Miss Thavel

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Paper Love (Fundamental Paper Education characters x Male Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now