1: big bro reki

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Reki hated going home.

Don't get him wrong he loves his family, except his dad.

His dad is the reason he hates home.

There has been so many fights, and torments, and trauma in those walls.

Everyday his dad is home in Hell.

That's part of the reason he loves S so much.

It's his escape.

He can go and do what he want, and not have to ever think about his dad or anything.

Skating is also an amazing thing for him.

It allows him to lie to everyone and say all the bruises and cuts and trips to the hospital were from nasty bails.

No one knows the truth, not even his bestest friend Langa.

He can't let people know.

He'll be judged, or worse. They could take his sisters.

He can never let that happen.

As long as He is alive they'll be safe.

Their dad can't traumatize or hurt them like he is.

His sisters won't be scared to go home.

His sisters won't ever have to lie to their friends.

He's there big brother this is his duty.

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