2: he's home

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After school one day Reki goes to hang out st the skate park with Langa.

They do it everyday and his mom knows he gets home around 8.

So when she randomly calls him he gets scared.

She knows he doesn't have his phone on him while skating.

Why would she call.

She always just texts and he responds when he sees it.

If she calls its typically important.

So Reki hurries for his phone.

He answers it as soon as he gets over there, and Langa just leisurely makes his way over.

Reki: Mom, are you ok?

Mom: Reki, you need to come home early today.

Reki: Is there a specific reason.

Mom: Yes. I just got the call that your dad is coming back today they decided he's served his time, and are sending him home.

Reki: Aaaaggghhhh, ok mom i'll start heading home soon. I love you. If i'm not home in time be careful and watch out for Koyomi and the twins. I'll be there soon.

Mom: Thank you, Reki. I'm sorry this is happening in wish i could do something.

Reki: It's not your fault, you didn't know it would turn out like this, jsut be careful, i'll be home and quick as possible.

Reki hung up the phone and Langa looked at him curiously.

"I have to go home early today. Mom wants me to help out with some stuff, and called to ask." Reki said in response to Langa's unasked question.

"That's fine, i'm getting hungry anyway." He casually responded.

"You wanna race to the usual spot?"Reki yelled with the spark back in his eyes, and throwing his board down for a head start.

That's what made Langa realize whatever was shad on the phone had really filled his spark, but the excitement of skating together brought it back.

Langa quickly threw his down in response to chase after the ecstatic redhead.

They expertly turned, swerved, and jumped almost the path.

They finally slowed their boards at the stop sign where the road split to go to their respective houses.

They arrived at the same time, per usual, and skidded to a stop while laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow, take care" Reki said to his friend as they began to split.

"Yeah, see ya tomorrow Reki." Langa waves and leaves his friend so go home.

Reki slowly hops on his board and begins making his way home.

He's nervous to get home, and knows he needs to get there before his dad.

That thought let him pick up speed a little, and he sped the rest of the way home.

When he arrived infront of the quaint little house his heart dropped.

He could taste the unease and fear from the sidewalk.

He knew his dad was home.

He walked up to the house and dropped his board in the bushes, since his dad hated skating so he had to hide the board from him.

He walks in and sees his mom and three sisters in the kitchen.

"Where is he?" Reki asks as casually as possible.

"I tried to stop him. He's in your room." She says refusing to look her own son in the eye.

Reki walks over and hugs his mom, "It's ok mom. I got it from here. Everything will be ok. Just keep the girls safe."

"Thank you Reki. I don't know what i'd do without you. You're the best son I could ever ask for" She said finally hugging her son back.

"Let me go see what he's doing" Reki said beginning to walk off.

"Be careful." she said quietly with a hint of dread.

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