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Lucien looked everywhere in Cerberus's kingdom, Volker joining in the search. "Something's wrong.." Lucien mumbled, looking nervous. "Maybe he went shopping?" Volker asked. "Im the one that shops, he doesnt have money-" Lucien said, glaring at Volker. "Right..oh! You check his office!" Volker said. Lucien rushed to Cerberus' office, opening the door and seeing the doctor standing at his desk, holding the bottle of Loveclotide Cerberus had on his desk. Lucien backed up, about to call for Volker. The doctor rushed over to Lucien and held Lucien closely, covering his mouth with a small cloth. Lucien fell dizzy, his eyes fluttering closed.

Lucien jolted awake in a small cell, the scent of blood was pungent. Lucien didnt have his prosthetic on, gasping. "Shit.." Lucien mumbled, unable to get up without it. The doctor stepped into the room, smiling at Lucien. "Good morning your highness." The doctor said. "What is the meaning of this?!" Lucien cried, backing himself into a corner. "I needed to run experiments on Cerberus. I cant let anyone else know. I cant let you get in my way." The doctor hissed. "Ill let you see him soon. Hes a very important subject to me now." The doctor said, walking out of the cell. Lucien felt his heartbeat rise, the smell of blood and rubbing alcohol filled his senses, reminding him of when he lost his leg. He balled up, his knees to his chest, fear filling his mind.

Cerberus sat in the operating chair, blood surrounding him. His head was limp, The doctor walked into his room, smiling at Cerberus's pathetic state. "I have your husband." The doctor said, setting down a few tools on the table beside him. "What..?" Cerberus mumbled, looking at the doctor weakly. "I may use this on him, see how an angel reacts." The doctor held up the bottle of Loveclotide, which made Cerberus's eyes widen. "Please..d-dont hurt him..!" Cerberus cried, struggling in his seat. "You two are perfect though, maybe ill dissect his wings..but dont worry, you'll be first." The doctor smiled, grabbing a scalpel and gripping Cerberus's jaw.
He began to dig and cut at Cerberus's face, Cerberus screamed in pain, blood splattered everywhere, Cerberus shivered in pain, his fingers twitching with agony. Once the doctor finished, he set Cerberus's carved out eye on the tray table. Cerberus's bloodied face dripping onto his lap. His body fell limp, the pain weakening him. "Ill be back." The doctor hissed, chuckling before leaving Cerberus to go to Lucien.

Lucien trembled, hearing Cerberus's screams of agony ring through the building. He heard the cell door unlock, the doctor stepping in. Lucien was silent, cornered, tearing up in terror. The doctor walked up to him, harshly grabbing his wrist, making him cry out. Lucien was thrown into an operating table, the doctor was attempting to strap Lucien down, but Lucien kicked and screamed. The doctor put his hands on Lucien's throat, beginning to choke him. Lucien gasped for air, trying to call for Cerberus. The two suddenly heard


The two flinched, The doctor turned to face the window to the cell, seeing Cerberus's mangled face staring at the two. Cerberus banged on the glass one more time, making it begin to crack. The doctor began to panic, grabbing the knife from his pocket, grabbing Lucien and putting the knife to his throat, holding him Hostage. The glass shattered after one loud bang from Cerberus. He crawled through the window, his eyes looked dark, his hands blackened. "Ill kill him-!" The doctor screamed. "Get back to your cell!" He ordered. Cerberus reached for Lucien as Lucien reached for him, sobbing. Lucien's throat was immediately slit, the doctor threw Lucien to the ground as he gasped for air. Cerberus grabbed the doctor, slamming him up against a wall. Cerberus dropped the doctor and began stomping on him, crushing his ribs. The ribs jammed into his lungs, making him gasp for air. Cerberus rushed over to Lucien, setting his hand on his slit throat. His hands darkened more, the veins on Lucien's neck darkened as the slit healed. Lucien took a deep breath, beginning to sob, grabbing Cerberus and hugging him. Cerberus held Lucien tightly, his blood stained hands staining Lucien's clothes. Cerberus's eye hadnt healed yet, it was slower than regular wounds. Cerberus opened a portal, carrying Lucien through it to their bedroom, abandoning the doctor's corpse.

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