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Renae Pov

Mi did know eno, wen mi see the likkle fucka again yuh see mn.

I'm by Shaniece, whereas chops and Mario are watching over us.

While rushawn went to the hospital.

Shaniece was locked inside her room and won't let anyone in.

Calling her name for the hundredth time today, I still haven't gotten any response.

Walking to the exit, chops called my name.

I turned my head in his direction, and he asked where I'm going.

Mi have places to be.

"Mi man, yad," I answered.

He just let out light chuckle and told me to be careful.

I will.

Walking out the house, closing the door behind me, I walked up to the gate and did the same.

It took me about fifteen minutes to reach tafari house.

Pushing the door, I find that it was closed, shit mi lef ih spear  key weh him gimmie a mi yaad.

I'm checking a spot where he would normally leave another key. It wasn't there, that's weird.

Taking out my phone, I dialed his number.

It went straight to voice-mail.

A wah gwaan?

Ringing back his phone, I got no answer.

Mi will scream and gwaan bad eno.

I'm wondering if I should wait here or go back for the spear key at my house, mi ago tired feh walk guh and feh walk come back.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I call back his phone, and I still didn't get an answer.

With all the things going on, Shaniece mom is in the hospital, and Shaniece is not in her right state of mind. She hasn't left the room since.

I am walking back home to continue with my studies and sba that I haven't even started.

While on my way, I noticed a black car with tinted windows.

Not paying enough mind to it, I took out my phone to call tafari, but he still wasn't answering.


Almont reaching the lane, someone blocked my path, "Excuse," I looked up at a tall, thick man.

I step to the other side and so did he, I look up at him annoyed, "nuh true yuh blutclaat thick mi will gi yuh a fuck bax, so move out a mi pussyclaat way," I hissed.

Cause who tf yah try frighten?

Not meeee.

"Guh, inna the car," he speaks in a rough voice.

"Murdaaa, who and yuh?" I laughed while asking.

"Guh-" he begins to say, but I cut him off.

"Guh where?, guh chuck true yuh mumma n excuse before mi show yuh summo inna ih day yah," I said angrily.

Trying to pass him, he gets a hold of my hands, but I fight back, blutclaat him strong man.

"Mur-" I tried to scream, but he placed a hand over my mouth.

I bite his palm, but he didn't budge he just forced me over to where the car was and pushed me In, he entered and closed the door, and I gave him my back hand.

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