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Daniece Pov

On rushawn lap he smokes his weed as he chat with his friends and his other hand squeezing my ass, resting my head on his shoulder while using my phone snapping away, we are at his house, while Shan stays by Renae, taking few more pictures his friends ask if I'm the one.

If anuh me, then a who babes?

Mi blutclaat hear goods a own up people man

He chuckles at his friends statement, and I sit up straight and look him dead in the eye.

"wah so funny?" I asked with a stern look, he shake his head as he draws in a smoke an blow it in my face, I snatch the blunt out his mouth and tossed to the floor he just let's out a frustrated sigh as he friends stayed silent and the music played in the background,  hissing my teeth I get off his lap and walked outside he called after me but I didn't answer.

As I reached on the outside, I felt his hands on mine.

"Kind a fuxkry dat?"

"Leggo off a mi," I wriggle my hand out his.

"Tf yah fling man weed a grung fah?"

"Weh yah guh do bout it, come bring mi home bredda," I placed a hand on my hip.

"Who tf yah talk to so?" He grip me by the throat, squeezing it lightly.

"Lock off mi breath Rushawn."

"Guh, in desso," he hissed, before pushing me back inside.

Reaching back inside, I sit across from him.

The tension between us was palpable, like the thick smoke from the spliff he was puffing. I sat across from him, trying to avoid him, but he kept goading me, trying to get a reaction out of me. The argument started small but soon escalated into a full-blown fight, with both of us raising our voices and curses flying back and forth like rain in a storm. His friends watched in silence, their eyes wide with shock, but they knew better than to intervene.

"Rushawn fuck off!" I shouted.

"Bredda, go suck yuh mada!" he sneered.

"Guh suck back yuh big pussy mada!" I fired back.

"Daniece, watch yuh fucking mouth, you doh wah mi hurt yuh yer, trust me." His voice turned deadly, and he glared at me.

"Or what, Rushawn? Just mouth alone, yuh ave, stop see mi!"

One of his friends choke on his smoke before looking back and forth between us.

"Daniece mi ago fuxk yuh up," he points his finger at me.

Rolling my eyes, I hissed my teeth at his empty threat.

As I sat there, engrossed in my phone, I sensed a shift in the atmosphere. Rushawn's friends discreetly exited the room, leaving us alone. The air grew thick with tension. Rushawn took a couple more puffs of his weed, his eyes fixed on me with a calculating gaze. Then, he placed the spliff down and strode over to me with a deliberate slowness, his movements almost predatory.

In what felt like an eternity, he loomed over me, his face inches from mine. I tried to avert my eyes, but his gaze held me captive. His warm breath danced across my skin, carrying the pungent scent of weed. My heart raced like a wild animal, sensing danger. My instincts screamed at me to flee, but my body seemed paralyzed.

Rushawn's voice was low and menacing, his words dripping with malice. "Yuh feel yuh bad? Ih Daniece?" he whispered. "See, say from wah day yah, yah get out a hand." The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. I knew I had to break free from his grasp, but my voice was trapped in my throat. I was at his mercy, and he knew it.

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