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Someone's POV
Hi everyone I'm Lisa Manoban, I'm a 4th year college student at Elites University one of the Top Universities in Korea. I'm part of the Women's basketball team, and not to brag but I have the strongest body in our team. I have a crush on our Class President Jennie Kim, aside from having a goddess visual she's smart and kind at the same time. I'm currently in the gym, just having a moment here. I've been here for like 30 minutes already but I still want to tire myself, whenever I have a problem I just keep on dribbling the ball from corner to corner until I get tired.

Someone came that made Lisa stop

Lisa: hey Jennie did Prof send you here?

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Lisa: hey Jennie did Prof send you here?

Jennie: I came here because I didn't see you in our classroom (walk towards Lisa) I told you, stop cutting our class

Lisa: (chuckled) I told you, you don't have to waste your time with me

Jennie: as a class president its my job to control the class

Lisa: be thankful that I have a crush on you (get her things)

Jennie: (rolled her eyes) you won't stand a chance if you keep your behavior like this

Lisa: Don't you like it? I mean it's cool to have a cool girlfriend you know

Jennie: I have a name that needs to protect dumbass

Lisa: then let me court you Miss President (look at Jennie's eyes)

Jennie: literally not a perfect time to do that (turn her back) we have a class that needs to catch up

Lisa: (smile then follow her) soon Kim

3rd Person POV
Everyone knew that Lisa had a crush on Jennie, they were also aware that they stood no chance at them so they didn't dare to court Jennie nor to pursue Lisa to be their girlfriend.

Someone: Hi President Kim, can I talk to you? (Asked nicely)

Jennie: (about to talk)

Lisa: (put her hand on Jennie's shoulder) just talk to her later after our class (smirk)

Jennie: (elbowed Lisa's stomach) you stink (walk ahead)

Someone: (just look at the duo)

Lisa: Kim Jennie, wait for me!

Jennie: (didn't dare to look at her and just get inside of their classroom)

Lisa: (run and about to sit beside Jennie) hey Miss can we exchange our seats? Please (Smile sweetly to the girl beside Jennie)

Jennie: (rolled her eyes) Manoban go back to your proper seat, stop bothering me

Lisa: This is my seat (sit beside Jennie) stop being mean to me Jenniessi

Jennie: I am not (put her book on her table) you better start reviewing our lesson, we have a long quiz

Lisa: that sucks (sigh)

Jennie: don't tell me you didn't bring your Book (Glared to Lisa)

Lisa: I forgot to get my book (pout)

Jennie: what are you still doing here? Go and get it (rolled her eyes)

Lisa: yes Ma'am (salute then run outside) I'll be back! (Shouted)

Jennie: crazy Manoban (read her book)

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