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3rd Person POV
Kai and Jennie are running away from the chaos, they don't have any weapon with them that's why they choose to run for their life. From their classroom building, they manage to go to the Student council office where they can find some equipment or weapon that they can use against zombie. 

Kai: Jen do you still remember the secret tunnel? 

Jennie: yes but I don't have any idea where exactly it is 

Kai: we have to get the map of our school 

Jennie: let's try to ask for a help (get the telephone) Kai please make sure no one will enter the office (dialed police hot line)

Someone is pleading to help her/him 

Kai: Jen should I open? 

Jennie: make sure that person is not infected 

Kai: okay (open the door and immediately pull the person inside the office then lock the door) are you infected? (check the person's body) 

Someone: I am not, I just followed you (sit to the couch) why did you just leave us there?

Kai: are you blind? it's dangerous to be there

Someone: at least told us to leave the classroom dumbass 

Jennie: Kai stop, Eunwoo is right 

Eunwoo: we need to go to our hideout, we have equipment and weapons there 

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Eunwoo: we need to go to our hideout, we have equipment and weapons there 

Kai: how? 

Eunwoo: (smile) Lisa's parents help us to build our underground hideout 

Jennie: who's in there right now? 

Eunwoo: I didn't saw Lisa in our classroom, she's probably sleeping there 

Kai: tsk, sleeping during class 

Jennie: no, I told her to get her book

Eunwoo: (widened his eyes) yahh don't tell me she's out there (about to leave the room) 

Kai: tell us where's the hideout first 

Eunwoo: selfish as fuck 

Jennie: we can do that Eunwoo, we need to go to your hideout and get some weapons after that let's find Lisa. We will find her 

Kai: Jen?! 

Jennie: Kai stop! you can stay here if you don't want to follow my plan 

Eunwoo: (smirk at Kai) 

Kai: fine (rolled his eyes) how can you make sure that she's still alive 

Eunwoo: she's stronger than you (chuckled) 

Kai: yahhh (hold Eunwoo's collar) 

Jennie: Kai aishhhh 

Eunwoo's Phone ring 

Eunwoo: (smirk) it's Lisa 

Jennie: answer it 

Eunwoo: is it safe? 

Jennie: (get Eunwoo's phone and answer the phone) 


Lisa: Dude where are you? (breathlessly asked) go to our hideout okay? I'll just find Jennie then I'll be there 

Jennie: Lalisa where the hell are you? 

Lisa: huh? Jennie? 

Jennie: I'm with Eunwoo, we are in my office. Where are you Manoban? 

Lisa: Thank God, I'll be there okay? wait for me 

Jennie: ok- (got interrupted when someone shouted)

Lisa at you back!!! 

Eunwoo: (widened his eyes) Lisa Lisa! 

Jennie: Lalisa what's going on? (asked worriedly) 

Eunwoo: I'll find her (about to leave the office) 

Kai: are you deaf? she said she will be here 

Eunwoo: don't you fucking heard it? she's in danger! what the hell is wrong with you 

Jennie: let's get some weapon first Eunwoo (look at Eunwoo) I know Lisa too well, she can make it okay? you have to trust her 

Eunwoo: fine (sigh)  let's go I'll take a lead Kai you will be at the back. Let's protect Jennie 

Kai: I know (grab a mop as a weapon) it's okay to have this than nothing 

Eunwoo: you guys ready? 

JenKai: (nod) 

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