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Jisoo's POV
Hi I'm Jisoo, Chaeyoung's girlfriend and Jennie's cousin. You guys must be wondering why do we have weapons in here well Lisa's uncle is a mafia and he made sure that we can defend ourselves. I can see that Kai and Jennie shocked face when I guide them to them to Lisa's secret room. 

Kai: you guys are pretty dangerous 

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Kai: you guys are pretty dangerous 

Eunwoo: feel free to get your weapons, make sure na you can carry it while running 

Kai: are we going to leave this place? this is the safest place yo know 

Jisoo: our foods and supplies are not enough for us, we don't know until when this chaos will stop (look at them) and we also need to find a stable base for us 

Jennie: I agree with Jisoo, but first we need to help Lisa and her gang

Sehun came with Sunghoon

Sehun: we have a guest (look at Kai) 

Kai:  I am not here for a fight okay (rolled his eyes) 

Sehun: (get his weapons then give some to Sunghoon) you know how to shoot?

Sunghoon: I can handle it in order to survive (ger his weapon) 

Sehun: we need to bring some bags, so we can pack some food and supplies and some arrow of course (get his military bag) 

Kai: Hey Jen you don't need to carry anything, I'll protect  you 

Sunghoon: so cheesy bro 

Jisoo: Jen just wait us here okay? Sehun let's go and find Lisa first 

Jennie: I'll go, I can't just wait you guys here 

Sehun: don't worry your girlfriend is safe 

Eunwoo: (chuckled) Jennie is worried to our Lalisa and Kai is jealous (teasing the two) 

Them: (giggled) 

Sehun: Kai, Sunghoon, Eunwoo let's go. The girls will stay here 

Kai: what? Me also?

Sehun: Don't be a pussy, we need to test if we can trust you 

Kai: fine, I am not that expert with this so better protect me too 

Sunghoon: gay (mumbled)

Eunwoo: Don't mind him (lead the way to the door) 

Sehun POV
Once we get out from the restroom damnnn there's a tons of zombies, we immediately fired our archer and make sure to kill them all. With this noise I know Lisa will hear us since I used one of my pistol to make a noise

Eunwoo: Let's wait for them to be here (reload his archer) but be ready for the zombies 

Kai: this is fun (reload his archer) 

Sunghoon: dummy you aim the zombie not us okay (smirk)

Kai: tsk I know okay 

Sehun: tsss you better be (walk towards the stairs) where  are you Lisa? we're waiting (in his mind)

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