Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV
Arghhh Lalisa is taking too long when the Locker area is only just a few blocks away, Prof is already here for goddamn sake.

Kim Kai sits on Lisa's seat 

 Kim Kai sits on Lisa's seat 

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Kai: hi Jen (smile)

Jennie: Hi

Kai: are you free after class?

Jennie: hmm aside from my duty I don't think I have something to do

Kai: (smile) by the way I saw you with Lisa earlier, did she ditch our class again? You know what? you should stop making her attend the class it's their personal problem you know and it's not part of our duty

Jennie: (sigh) stop it Kai (look at Kai) I know what I am doing okay

Kai: I'm just concerned about you, your tiring yourself 

Jennie: I'm fine Kai, totally fine

A student entered their classroom

Student: please help me! My friends!

Ms. Park: what happened to you? Are you pranking us? 

Student: their biting! When they get bitten they become crazy and attack someone to another

Ms. Park: are you sure?

They hear a shout from other students

Student 1: you must be pranking us! (Stood up) what the hell are you even saying! thats impossible for 

Student 2: yeah, you know what why dont we check it out? They must be having a zombie festival

Them except JenKai and other students: (laugh)

Jennie: you know the consequence if you prank and disturb our class Mr. Wonwoo (coldly said)

Wonwoo: why the fuck am I going to do that?! Can't you hear? Their fucking asking for a help!

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Wonwoo: why the fuck am I going to do that?! Can't you hear? Their fucking asking for a help!

Ms. Park: calm Down Wonwoo, everyone lets stay inside okay? For our safety, we don't know what's going on right now (look at her students)

Kai: as a student officer its out duty to think about the solution

Jennie: but just like what Ms. Park said, we still don't know whats going on out there (suddenly remember Lisa) did you see Manoban? (Look at Wonwoo)

Wonwoo: yes, I saw her heading to the field probably go bitten already

Kai: (look at Jennie) whats wrong? Your being caring to that loser

Jennie: shut the fuck up Kai! (Suddenly shouted that made them shock)

Kai: I'm sorry, calm down Jen

A student opened the door and got shock by the person who's standing in front of their door

 A student opened the door and got shock by the person who's standing in front of their door

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Ms. Park: h-hey are you okay?

Wonwoo: close the fucking door! (Shouted)

Kai: lets go Jen I don't think it's safe if we stay here  (grab Jennie's hand)

Jennie: what about them?

Kai: think about your safety first Jen (leave the classroom with Jennie)

Someone: (saw them and immediately followed them behind) 

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