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Lisa POV
While running we encountered a lot of zombie, fuck it why they exist! Suddenly we heard a gunshot it must be my friends

Felix: the hell was that?

Hyunjin: we are losing our arrow already (breathlessly said)

Nikki: (look at Lisa) you said you have weapons right?

Lisa: yes, just follow me (look at them) and trust me.

Nikki's POV
We followed the gunshot until we came to the 3rd floor and saw some survivor they must be Lisa's friends since they carrying some weapons

Sehun: Lisa!

Lisa: dude you guys are safe (smile)

Kai: I'm shock you didn't get bitten

Nikki: we protected her okay

Lisa: (shake her head) where's Jennie?

Hyunjin: (suddenly look at lisa)

Sehun: let's get inside you smelled already (crunch his nose)

Lisa: let's go boys (look at Hyunjin, Nikki and Hyunjin)

Eunwoo: I have an idea we should do something (look at them)

Them: (look at him)

Jennie's POV
We are readying our needs while waiting for them, I'm really worried to that dummy.

Rosé: guys! (Shouted)

Jennie: (immediately leave Lisa's room to see their friends)

Boys: (just looking down)

Nikki, Hyunjin, Felix: (entered the room with blood on their shirts)

Jisoo: Hyunjin

Hyunjin: noona (hug Jisoo) 

Felix: they save us, we are running out of arrows thank God they came

Eunwoo: (seated on the couch sadly)

Rosé: you guys must be tired, freshen up on that room (pointed in the room) besides Lisa's room)while we are cooking some food 

Them: (about to get inside)

Jennie: where's Lisa? (Asked them coldly)

Them: (look at each other)

Jennie: For God sake, I'm asking where is Lisa?!

Sehun: (sigh) calm down Jen, we tried okay. It just (sigh)

Jennie: don't fucking asked me to calm down when that dummy is still not here with us! (shouted)

Jisoo: h-hey Jen, she must be hiding. Let them rest for a while okay? We will find her

Jennie: I'll do it (snatch the arrow from eunwoo and walk towards the secret door)

Boys: (smirk)

Kai: you don't need to do this Jen, it's too dangerous outside (stop Jennie) aishh why am I even participating to this drama (in his mind)

Eunwoo: this fucker is a good actor, I'm proud (in his mind)

Jennie: get the hell out of my way Kai (shove Kai away from her path and open the door)

She stopped because of what she's seeing right now

 She stopped because of what she's seeing right now

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Kai: (sign them to leave the two alone)

Sehun: let just have something to eat (put his hand on Kai's shoulder)

Lisa: hi (smile)

Jennie: (just staring at her)

Lisa: sorry for messing around, you can slap me what but it's not my idea

Jennie: (just Hug Lisa)

Lisa: (startled) OMG did she just Hug me? (In her mind)

Jennie: you dummy, I hate you

Lisa: (smile and hug her back) I know, I love you Nini

Jennie: (sob) I got worried you know

Lisa: (smile then pulled away from the hug) I'm here, I won't leave again (close the door behind her back) Come on you don't want them to see your soft side right?

Jennie: (wipe her tears) go and freshen up, I'll cook something for us

Lisa: yes boss (fake salute then go to her room)

Lisa's POV
You guys must be wondering why she's like that, well sometimes she have this soft spot on me. When I entered my room I saw my clothes is ready aishh I know Jennie who did this, she's acting like she hated me whenever we are not alone but she really care if it just the two of us.

Jennie's POV
After that scene, I immediately walk towards the kitchen and found them gossiping about us tsk even Kai. I immediately walk towards Sehun and Kai then immediately smack them on their head.

Kai & Sehun: ouch the heck / awww (hold their head)

Kai: what was that for Jen?

Jennie: that's for making me look like a fool (rolled her eyes) now all of you, get the hell out of here, I'll cook (coldly said) 

Jisoo: what's with the cold treatment geeez (leave with their friends)

Kai: tsk but when it comes to Lisa

Jennie: I heard you Kai (look at Kai)

Kai: I'll go with them (leave the kitchen)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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