Trading Darkness | Chapter 12

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"We need to take her to Merlin." David said as he helped Emma getting up on her feet. "He's the only one who can help her."


I knocked the door.
I turned around to see David holding Emma tight to not fall as she breathed heavily.

I knocked again.

I heard footsteps coming and the door opened.

"You have to do something." I said.
He looked at her. "Please come in."

I helped David with Emma and we walked inside. "You can lay her down on the couch."

We helped her lying on the couch. She was barely breathing. Her skin turning white. Her hair darker than ever.

Merlin tried to rip off her heart but not even the most powerful wizard could do that. Emma moaned in pain as she took herself her own heart showing it to Merlin.
The red light was now disappearing.

"You have to do something."

"I can't."


"I can't do it. It will happen all again! Rumple has been the dark one for centuries! All his darkness is now trapped in her heart! And once it's released, it will be trapped in someone else. And again and again."

"So this is it? We will never be able to live without this darkness?" Charming said, now sitting on the opposite couch.

"I'm sorry... but there's nothing I can do. I created the Dark One to keep everyone safe from the darkness. Rumple abused his powers and this is the consequence."

I sat on the other couch and I closed my eyes.

She can't die.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was breathing heavily through the mouth and her eyes had red rings around them, her beautiful, green almost blue eyes, looking at me. Her dried lips curled giving me a smile.

I got up and fell on my knees next to her couch.

"I'm not gonna let you die." I said to her and grabbed her hand.

"Maybe... this... this was just meant to be." she breathed.


"Take care of Henry, please... I... I abandoned him once. Tell him I'm sorry for doing it again-" she said as tears were now falling down on her cheeks

I got up and I looked down at her. "You're not gonna die." I said and walked away.

I couldn't see this. I couldn't see her like this.
"Can we talk?" I called Merlin and we went to the kitchen leaving Emma and her father on the living room.

"Son I-"
"You'll put her darkness in me. I'll die, she lives."

"Killian... I-I can't do that to you, you're my son-"

"So now you care?"

That made him stay quiet for seconds. I felt tears coming. My legs getting weaker.
I sat on a chair against the wall.

"I didn't abandon you or Liam. I did care for you both. I do care for you both."

"Liam is dead. "
"What?" he breathed out in shock.
"Right... you didn't know... you weren't there. You weren't there to say goodbye. Maybe if you hadn't abandoned us, we would have never been welcomed by royalty as orphans, and we would have never been sworn to serve the King and the realm. They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison, one that killed him." I paused to breathe, to think if I could say it loud. "It killed Liam! My brother... Everything I had left..." I yelled with anger. With sobs. With tears.

He was now crying too.

"I didn't abandon you. When... your brother told me he had seen a wide dark shadow sucking Lilith... I knew what he was talking about. It was the darkness. The same darkness who sucked the savior into the dark room."

"How do you know about that?!"

"I was trapped by Rumple. All this time. All these years."

"H-How?" I took a deep breath. This was it. This story could change my life forever.

"That night... When I left you both grounded in your bedroom, I looked for answers. I loved her. My Lilith... And I knew the only ones who could get me answers were the Queens of Darkness."

"Ursula, C-Cruella and Maleficent?"


Bloody hell I thought I had already heard enough of them.

"I went to them... And they told me there was nothing they could do. She was dead." He sat on the chair opposite to mine. "I was suffering... And I thought I had lost everything I had. They recognized potential in me, so they invited me to be a part of them. And I... I accepted it."

"You left your children for power?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"I'm sorry." he whispered. "I accepted it because I fell in love. With Maleficent."

"You have no dignity." I said and wanted to walked out.

"Killi-" he tried.


"Killian I never forgot your mother!"


My mother had just died. And he fell in love with... Maleficent?! He left his children?!

"They gave me the hat... the one with stars. It was all about a prophecy. I was destined to have all that power. Only I could work with that hat! I was the most powerful wizard alive. I could do anything... even... bringing your mother back."

"But you didn't."

"Yes I did."

My... My mother was still alive?

"The only way to do that... was creating the Dark One. I brought her back... But the darkness? Was still inside her. She wasn't her. She was dark. She needed to be killed."

"How can you possibly say that?! That woman? In the next room? Laying on your couch barely breathing? I love her. She's the dark one. Darkness or no darkness I'd never ever kill her or let her die. I'm here fighting for her life! I'm here willing to trade my life for hers. Because I see her. Behind that darkness? I see her. I always see her good side."

"Killian I-"

"I'm tired of stories! I need you to save her!"

"I didn't kill your mother. Zozo did... with the dagger. He was the next Dark One-"



"STOP!" I noticed I was now up on my feet. My hands were red and shaking. I was mad like hell. I had to calm down. I took a deep breath. "If you truly love me, you're gonna do as I say."
I said and I left the room.

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