We're Free, Doves. No More Pain For Us, For You

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It happened again

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It happened again. It fucking. Happened. Again.

None of the Min-O'Kelly siblings could get at least one day of peace, could they? And let's not talk about the twins, Dal, to be more specific. That poor boy had it the worst. At first both Dal and his older twin would become Idols, traveling the world, learning everything they could, just to escape that harshness put on them since the day the siblings lost everything. Or nearly everything.

Now back from California, Dal had to listen to the most terrible words spit venomously from their aunt's mouth. "GHOSTS AREN'T REAL, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT!" She screeched in Korean, as she hated everything to do with anything but Korea. What was worse this time, was that none of the siblings were home, nor did they know that Dal came back from America. The small boy sat there, biting back the sobs and keeping all his tears in, as he sat on the sofa, listening to the woman. "YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, BASTARD! I TOLD YOUR MOTHER TO SEND YOU TO THE ASYLUM, THE MOMENT YOU WERE BORN! I TOLD HER! BUT THAT BITCH SAW YOU AND THAT RAT OF YOUR TWIN AS MIRACLES!" She yelled. Now, Dal could take all the insults. All the beatings, that none other than him and his Nana knew about. But one thing, Dal would never stand, was somebody insulting any of his loved ones.

And so, gulping, he stood up, his small frame, so fragile, but he managed to glare at his aunt. "My twin is no rat, Aunt Hyun! I forbid you to insult any of my siblings!" He said in English with his heavy Irish accent. This only fueled Hyun's rage more, as she slapped the boy, making him fall back down the sofa. The sound of the slap was so loud, it echoed in the family cottage.

Hyun watched with rage the boy "My brother chose to marry that whore of a woman. He bred her and stained our blood with some whore from overseas!" She sneered with wide eyes watching the boy, who shook in both fear and rage. "You will never be a Min. You were born dead, you should have stayed dead. Just like Jin." She spit out and left the room in a hurry. The mention of the death of his older brother stung him even more. He couldn't understand how one person could be as evil as his aunt was. He sometimes wondered if that woman was a demon, taking the form of a human being. Yet, Dal knew about the supernatural and the Devil/Demon things. He knew way more than any human on Earth and he knew that this constant war between God and Devil? Well, it was one big bullshit and God ain't the good guy in this story.

The small boy felt a shift of energy in the room and he sighed. Oh, how he dreaded to be who and what he was at times. There was no pause for him, ever. Ever since he was born, he had seen things nobody else did and could freely interact with any type of spirit/entity. But it was moments like these, that he wished he had no such power. With the fury and sadness that filled the room, he knew exactly who it was that he felt. He didn't even have to look up from his curled position on the sofa. He ignored the hushed whispers of the three spirits in the room, his thoughts bringing him very far away in the deepest darkest places of his mind. He wished he wasn't here. He longed for what he had once.

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