It's Like Bipolar Disorder In Human Form

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The day of the party came quicker than expected

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The day of the party came quicker than expected. The twins were done with their piercings and tattoos. Dal was the one to tattoo both his arms, and get his lip pierced, while Hajun tattooed his neck and had a sleeve tattoo on his right arm, and as promised, he tattooed a protection rune on his left wrist, his lip and eyebrow pierced as well. Other than that, Dal had his longer hair in the back dyed a purple/grey colour and Hajun had to stop him from getting a neck tattoo, feeling like his twin was getting a bit too far ahead of himself. He may have sounded hypocritical, yet there was something off with how Dal wanted to have another tattoo. He felt like his twin was way too eager and wanted to rush into doing a tattoo without even thinking. So he stopped him, promising Dal could do another tattoo soon after he thought more about what he wanted to have tattooed. And that alone, brought the younger twin to an understanding and a happy grin.

Cheonsa and Jia were impressed by how the twins looked now, noticing Hajun having one ring with a sun and one ring with a moon on his fingers

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Cheonsa and Jia were impressed by how the twins looked now, noticing Hajun having one ring with a sun and one ring with a moon on his fingers. Dal also had that combination, and the older siblings smiled, loving the boys' new looks. Dal also wore darker clothes, but he accompanied them with his coloured hair and his bright smile or a white piece of clothing to brighten him. Cheonsa was sitting at the dining room table, watching Dal work his magic in the kitchen. He had a lot to do today, since not only did he promise to bake for Seth and Josh's party, but he had to prepare for his own too. "So who is coming?" The older man asked, watching as the braided-haired boy mixed ingredients in another bowl, the macaroons slowly baking already in the oven. "Well, Maggie, Harry, Dennis, Theo and Lyla. Oh, and Emily. Well, and Maggie's toddlers the twin girls River and Lake and the few-months-old Joon-Jin" He listed, making Cheonsa confused and Hajun snorted from his place at the bar. The siblings met Maggie and the kids, bonding quickly, as she was a very kind and hard-working woman who helped Dal a lot when he was in the Canadian asylum. She worked there until something happened and she moved here, next door, raising three kids alone. Twin girls and a boy. She was a Korean-born Canadian woman who was a therapist for a long time, working in Canada. When she met Dal, she was one of his main therapists and quickly became a mother to him and his twin, once she met Hajun. She was truly a lovely woman. 

"Told you we invited people only we know, minus Maggie, now," Hajun smirked and Cheonsa groaned. "Are they good people?" He asked. He trusted the twins but he was worried for them. And neither twin blamed him for his hesitance towards those people. "Hey, you go to a party with unknown people too!" Dal chuckled sweetly, taking the baked macaroons out and letting them cool off while putting another tray of other biscuits in. "True, but there will be people we know there too. And you are underage" Hajun smiled softly "Don't worry, brother. There will be no alcohol, or very little, considering there will be kids present. We'll keep it very calm." He promised. Besides, the twins were not very much into loud parties. Dal preferred a nice dinner with some good wine or even tea, while Hajun liked a good book with wine or tea, as well. 

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