Skinwalkers Aren't Enough To Get Rid Of Those Pests...

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Cheonsa disappointedly looked at Jia and Hajun, making Dal giggle

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Cheonsa disappointedly looked at Jia and Hajun, making Dal giggle. "If you're hungry, then by all means, cook yourself something!" The girl sassily turned to her older brother with the sauce spoon in hand, glaring at Cheonsa when he groaned again and complained to her to speed up the cooking process because he was hungry. 

The twins were much better that day. Maggie kept checking up on them and she made sure alongside the older siblings that the twins had at least one day off. Now, the twins went back to how they were and as much as it was worrying for the older siblings, the twins acted as if nothing happened and they were fine. Maggie did warn them that they would act so, as a coping mechanism and to just let them be, just that they had to be careful if they saw some worrying signs of some maniac episodes the twins could have. 

"Bro, you don't get to tell a woman how to cook! That's not how we treat women!" Hajun smirked when he saw his older brother send him a glare before he mumbled "She's not a woman, she's a monster, whose starving us" While Dal hid his sweet giggles behind his hand, Hajun raised a brow with a smirk and Jia turned around to face Cheonsa once more with a death glare. Without a warning, the girl started to chase the man, who screamed and ran around the house, trying to escape the furious woman. Minnie, Winter and Isla stayed with the twins, one was smirking with crossed arms while watching the food, so it wouldn't burn and the other giggled loudly, patting the wolves and the dog that melted in his gentle touch. 

While the two siblings were running around and screaming, Hajun took this opportunity to speak with his twin

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While the two siblings were running around and screaming, Hajun took this opportunity to speak with his twin. "When were you going to tell me about the Elites?" Dal froze at his twin's words. In the corner of his eyes, he saw his parents and Jin standing there with guilty expressions telling the young teen that they were the ones to tell Hajun about one of the darkest things of Dal's past. Trying to avoid answering, the boy took a sip of his herbal tea and looked down at the wolves and small pup who begged him for more attention. "I'm not going to eat now... I'll reheat the food later... I'll go with the pups for a walk" With a soft tone, he rushed from the dining room, leaving Hajun sighing. He shut his eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Were you able to at least protect him then?" He asked the three spirits without looking at them. Soft high-heeled footsteps were heard before a sweet and melodic voice of the red-headed woman reached Hajun's ears. "We did what we could, Mo Ghrian" (My Sun), the woman's voice was strained and another pair of footsteps were heard, which Hajun recognised as his father's. "With the number of drugs in his system and yours... We were blocked away and any attempt to communicate with you or help you two, only worsened your state, sending you both into delirium and manic episodes" Joon spoke with his deep but gentle tone. Jin was silent. No words needed to be added to know that the topic was way worse than they predicted. 

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