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Allie's dad dropped us off at the party. It was in someone's house. One of Ryder's friends, Jared. I never really liked Jared despite me never actually talking to him.

"Hey, man!" Jared calls out, watching as we exit the car.

I look up at him blankly, making it clear that I'm not in the mood to talk.

Ryder runs over to speak to Jared, leaving Allie and I walking in a peaceful silence towards the entrance.

The place was packed, girls in every corner. A group of guys were all huddled around a table, chanting loudly whilst they took turns chugging down some alcohol.

I already hated this place, and I could tell Allie did, too. One of the guys started glaring at me, and it took me a while to realise that was the guy I beat up yesterday.

I think Allie noticed the guy since she led me into a different area. Ryder came over, blushing like a mad man.

"What the fuck Is wrong with you?" I ask, looking at him with genuine concern.

"She's here -" He squeals, embarrassment courses through my veins. I can't take this guy anywhere.

Allie seems to be just as confused as I am. She takes out her phone and sends a message. 'Who's here?'

Just then, a girl walks over to Allie, giving her a tight hug and handing her a drink. They seemed to know each other.

"I didn't know you were going to be here?!" The girl smiles, showing off her excitement. I turn to face Ryder, his face was a fucking tomato.

"You are fucking crazy." I move away from him and he follows.

"You saw that girl, right?!" Ryder tugs on my arm, so I push him off.

"The one with Allie?" I laugh. "What, do you like her?" Ryder nods frantically, constantly looking over in her direction and then back at me. "Stop being a freak and go talk to her then."

"She won't talk to me if Allie is with her -" His eyes widen. "Distract Allie for me."

"What? No?" I fidget with my rings, glancing over in her direction.

"Please." He whines, making me chuckle lightly. He's so annoying, but I could tell he really liked that girl.

"Fine." I walk over to Allie, Ryder following a bit to close behind me. "Move!" I snap, pushing him away from my shoulder.

"Allie, can I borrow you for a sec?" I take her by the arm and lead her away from Ryder and the girl.

Ryder pov:

I watch as Conan takes Allie away, preparing myself for the worst possible outcomes.

I'm horrible at talking to girls, especially girls I find attractive. And this girl was beyond that. I love everything about her. Her short black natural hair, her blue dress, her husky voice, and especially her smile.

"Hey, I'm Ryder." I smile awkwardly, looking down at her. she is so short next to me, only making her cuter.

The girl turns to face me. "Oh, hey!" I felt like my legs were about to melt. "I'm Mia."

"Like...Mia cara?" I immediately regret saying that my face flushes an unknown shade of red.

"Close -" She laughs, and all of a sudden, I feel better. "Mia Carano."

"I'm still gonna call you Mia Cara." I grin.

"You are really beautiful, by the way." I add, figuring she deserves to know.

"Really?" Mia looks up at me, holding her cheeks. I've never seen her do that before, but now I've decided that's my favourite sight in the world. "You are so handsome!" Mia shouts over the loud music.

"HUH?" I lean down to hear her better, but instead of her repeating herself, she kisses me. I pull away, confused.

"I said you are really handsome!" Mia repeats, looking at me with a huge smile.

"I heard you the first time." I laugh, pulling back into the kiss.


Conan's POV:

Damn. That was quick.

I one hundred per cent thought that Ryder would fumble that, I guess I have to have more faith in him.

Allie takes out her phone, handing it to me. 'What did you want to tell me?'

I read her message and snapped back into reality.

"Oh, um..." My mind races, trying to think of an excuse. I spot that same guy from earlier, the fucker is hunting me down. I didn't know what to do. Fighting in front of Allie wouldn't be the wisest thing to do, but running away from this guy would make me look scared.

Instead, I do the obvious thing and head towards the bar. Allie follows close behind, still waiting for a response.

"What can I get for you?" The hired bartender asks, grabbing two red party cups.

"Seven shots of vodka." I reply grimly, earning a confused look from the bartender.

"I can't -"

"You can't what?" I glare at him.

"I can't give you that many at a time -" He continues, looking at me with a nervous expression.

I continue to make intense eye contact until the bartender finally breaks. He serves me seven shots of vodka and rushes to the other side of the counter.

"Thanks." I scoff, downing each one whilst fighting back the awful taste. Allie looks up at me in shock as I finish all seven shots.

"Did you....want some?" I ask, realising how rude I was not to offer her any.

She shakes her head, smiling at me through her look of concern. I watch as she leaves to go somewhere else.


I walk into one of the rooms.

There isn't much going on in there apart from a bunch of guys doing crack. So naturally, I decided to join them.

I get handed a pot to smoke from, despite me already being drunk. I take the tube and smoke from it, holding it in for a while before exhaling. I've done this before. Multiple times, actually. So I've gotten pretty used to it.

I took a few more smokes to really get myself going. A few minutes passed, and the high kicked in. I felt on top of the world.

Bright colours flashed everywhere around me from the high as the dizziness from the alcohol took over. I lost all sense of direction but found my way towards a vacant corner. I sat down and leant my back against the wall, tilting my head upwards.

I could hear voices around me, but they seemed to dance around, painting words in the air. My head started to ache a little, so I downed a bottle of vodka, swirling around the final drops before taking it in. I put my headphones in, and eventually, the sound drowned out.

My head was spinning, and my blinking slowed down. I remember seeing a group of guys come  towards me and start beating the shit out of me, but I couldn't really feel anything. Blood tricked down my face and onto my hands as I held my head.

"Fuck you...." I uttered, trying to make out the faces infront of me, though that only made things worse. I smiled through the pain, taking each hit to my body without having the ability to fight back.

Then I blacked out.

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