Chapter 1

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I looked up towards the apartment building as I stepped out of the car, hands shoved deep inside of my pocket where my taser was.

It was a relief, really, being offered a getaway from The Beach where solitude seemed to be a foreign concept to all the members. The cold, silent night was like a breath of fresh air compared to the constant drumming of music on top of Hatter's madness.

Though despite my complaints, I'd still return. Following their little sets of rules like a decent citizen.

After all, Hatter had something I wanted.

Walking up the steps towards the apartment I swiftly scanned the surrounding figures. Three women, one in their forties and the other two in their twenties. At the sight of their nervous, frightened expressions I glanced away, no longer interested as I started to look for other potential players.

There was a man in a top hat standing near the corner, though he didn't look promising either.

Withholding my sigh I walked forward, ignoring their stares as I grabbed a phone for myself and found a corner with a clear view of the entrance. The outlet at the bottom being an added bonus.

I crouched down, plugging in the taser before straightening up and leaning back against the wall once more.

The taser was put together just two days ago and yet I have had no opportunities to test it on anyone. Fortunately, with my visa running out today, I'd finally get to see how powerful the result would be.

If it wasn't as strong as I'd hoped, I'd just build something else.

I was half way through going down a mental list of potential objects I could build using the scraps I'd find when a short haired woman walked in. She was toned, her face filled with determination and that familiar survival glint in her eyes that I had seen in the others and I could tell she could become a potential pawn.

The woman had just settled before another walked in, this time, my head cocked in slight interest. She had observed all the others just like I had, though with her it was obvious. A hand in her pocket, gripping an object and as she walked forward towards the desk her body was tense, constantly on edge with every step she made.

As she leaned against the wall across from mine I caught her shoulders tense when her eyes locked onto my own.

She was like a frightened mouse, ready to dash at the slightest sound of danger and with that I lost my interest once again. A person like that would be difficult to use, too paranoid to trust and too scared to act on their own.

There was a commotion as the others walked in but I no longer had the energy to look for other potential pawns. Useful or not the skills and personality of everyone here would be shown once the game starts.

I grabbed my earphones from my pocket, plugging them into my phone before turning on some music, drowning out the external sounds of the other players.


I looked down at the given phone as it flashed to life, big bold words written in front and without taking my earphones out, I read the instructions.



I crouched down, unplugging the taser as I continued to read each word that had popped up onto my screen, placing it safely in my pocket.


-Everyone in the complex will be running from the "Oni" also known as "it".

Through His Gaze (chishiya x reader) Where stories live. Discover now