Chapter 28

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It was peaceful for far too long.

I glanced up from the book in my hand towards the sink where she stood, filling a glass with clean water before taking a drink. It was the perfect time to rest and relax, relishing in the short solitude we were given but I knew better than to accept it at face value.

The game masters would never allow the players to relax for too long, unless it was to get their guard down in which case I had better be prepared for what's to come.

Closing the book in my hands and placing it back onto the coffee table I stood up from my place at the couch, zipping up my jacket as I walked towards the door without a word.

'Are you going out?' She called, peeking from the kitchen.

'I am, since I lost all the materials for the bomb.' Pushing the door open K emerged outside without waiting for her response.

The air outside was warm, though the heat never hung to our skin like it did back in the real world. There was no humidity in the air and the sun did not burn. It was one of the things I enjoyed about this place.

She jogged after me, falling into steps side by side as we walked towards where I knew would be a DIY store around. Again, the surroundings were still and silent, falsely creating an image of peace.

'Can you make two bombs?' She suddenly asked, glancing at me.

I hummed in reply, pulling the hood over my head to block the sunlight. The heat doesn't burn nor exhaust you as much, though the brightness was still as much of a nuisance as it was.

'You know.' She started once more when the silence continued to stretch. 'My brother is an artist.'

I stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. It had been long since she'd opened up and speak about her personal life. She hasn't't done so since we were at the beach, before she had found out about my plans.

'He's in a band, they only play small gigs, though, he loved it nonetheless.' I glanced over to see her enjoying the scenery, not as alerted as she once was about her surroundings. 'That's how he met his lover, through music.'

I let out an unimpressed huff, looking away with disinterest. 'Another hopeless romantic.'

'Well not hopeless, considering he has a boyfriend.'

'And how long have they been together?'

'Two months.'


Apparently, my response was not up to standards as she turned, narrowing her eyes on mine.

'Do you not like romance, Chishiya?'

'I simply do not believe it exists.'

She grew silent at that, thinking of what to say as we turned a corner away from the houses. Here, deeper into the city the greenery grew at a much faster pace, covering more ground.

Romance, it was like a disease that had infected the world. Even the most unlovable person had dreamt of it. I had seen it many times in my line of work, of loved ones bringing in gifts and whispering sweet worthless words in hopes of lessening the pains of their partners.

It was a waste of time in my eyes. No amount of gifts nor words could ever cure someone of an illness or lessen someone's pain. Yet this disease continued on, never being left behind.

'I think it exists.' She mumbled, turning to gauge the reaction I never gave. 'It's just rare.'

Truthfully, it isn't rare, it just simply does not exist. A fantasy, one which crumbles the moment one actually gets to know each other and their flaws.

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