chapter 10 the battle for danntonie and the search for jedi master's continues

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Meetra pov

I stood in front of a group of milita volunteers I walked out in front of them ready to make a speech that would lead the volunteers to fight to protect their home

Meetra: we may be out numbered but don't worry if your going to die know that you're sacrifice will not be in vain the force will choose who wins this battle let the sith know that this is not their planet to conquer down with the sith triumvirate

The milita yelled a battle cry and raised their arms in salute

Before charging forward at the sith forces as I made my way towards the sith leader Askkle I ignited my white Lightsaber and he ignited a crimson red cross gaurd Lightsaber

Askkle: you cannot stop us exile our master will find you and he will destroy you

Meetra: I wouldn't count on that you sith bastard

Askkle: you cannot stop the darkness that is going to engulf the galaxy

We began clashing back and forth I knocked Askkle into a building with a force push I launched myself at him we crossed blades I cut off his hands and he yelled out in pain

Meetra: surrender sith and I will show you mercy

Askkle gave me a sinister smile before I heard a thermal detonater activate

Askkle: I'll see you in hell jedi

I quickly leaped backwards as the thermal detonater quickly exploded instantly killing Askkle

I made my way towards the entrance of the administration building and we were given medals for defending the administration building

Meetra: master vrok I have a question for you

Master Vrok: very well get on with your questions

Meetra: why did you cut me off from the force

Master Vrok: we did no such thing you were a anomaly in the force but know that we never severed you from the force

Meetra: then why did I lose my connection to the force

Master Vrok: that is not for me to tell you find the other three masters us jedi need to stop hiding

Meetra: do you know were they are now

Master Vrok: Master Zez Ki El is on narssada and Master Kavar is on onderon and Master Lonna Vash is on Korriban

Meetra: I'll find them be safe master Vrok

Master Vrok: may the force be with you exile

We see Meetra and her companions walking to the space port and they quickly walked on board the Ebon Hawk and quickly flew out of danntonies aphmosphree

they set course for their next destination they jumped into hyperspace their journey to find the missing jedi masters was only just beginning

End of chapter 10 the battle for danntonie and the search for the jedi masters continues

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Book 2 The Return Of The Jedi Exile Where stories live. Discover now