Elizabeth Nolan decided that she needs a change of scenery and accepts a work transfer to London, England for the company she works for. After she and her ex break up due to his infidelity, she thinks it's a great idea to start off with a clean slat...
(AN: Raymond will look like in the photo at the start of the chapter for some time in the story and later on his appearance will be like in the movie.)
Two months have passed since Elizabeth has been living in London. She works four days ten-hour shifts. She liked the schedule because she got three days off. On her off days, Elizabeth always tried to find the time to see all of the main attractions. She fulfilled her dream of walking on the famous Abbey Road crosswalk where the Beatles did their famous photo shoot for the album cover. She got to see the houses John Lennon and Paul McCartney lived at during their childhood days. She got to see Baker Street. She rode on the London Eye. She ate fish & chips. She browsed the shopping center on Kingly Court. She bought dresses, shoes, and shirts.
Elizabeth is sitting on the bed in her hotel room. She's texting with her mom. Her phone starts ringing. Samantha is calling her. "Hey, Samantha. How are you?" She asked.
"I'm great. Do you have any plans for tonight?" Samantha asked.
"No. I was just planning on ordering food and watching a movie." Elizabeth replied.
"Forget about that plan. You and I are going to a night club with our coworkers. It's Friday and we're not going to spend it stuck in our hotel rooms. Put on a dress and I'll come over in twenty minutes. Kelly texted me the address for the night club." Samantha explained. "It's a very popular club."
"Okay. Let's have a fun Friday night." Elizabeth said.
"That's the spirit." Samantha said with an upbeat tone.
(AN: Elizabeth's dress)
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"That's a nice dress." Samantha said while she and Elizabeth are sitting in the taxi.
"Thanks. I got it at a mall on Kingly Court." Elizabeth mentioned.
"So, how does it feel to be single?" Samantha asked.
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"Wonderful and I love it. Although, I'm not opposed to the idea of mingling with handsome English men this evening." Elizabeth realized what she just said out loud. "I'm not usually this forward when I share my thoughts out loud. I don't know why I said this."