Elizabeth Nolan decided that she needs a change of scenery and accepts a work transfer to London, England for the company she works for. After she and her ex break up due to his infidelity, she thinks it's a great idea to start off with a clean slat...
Elizabeth woke up from the sunlight which hit directly at her eyes. Raymond wasn't in the bed. She sat up and wrapped the sheet around her body. She looked around the room. Their clothes are neatly folded in a pile on a chair. Her gaze centered on a robe that is placed on the edge of the bed. Elizabeth got up from the bed and put on the robe. She walked to the bathroom and did her morning routine. She saw a note taped on a toothbrush which indicated that it belongs to her. She walked back into the bedroom. She wondered where Raymond is. She sat down on the bed again.
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A few seconds later, Raymond walked into the bedroom. He carried a tray and he's only wearing boxers and a white muscle shirt. He saw that Elizabeth is sitting on the bed. "Well, look who's finally up." He slightly teased as he placed the tray on the bed. "Morning, Lizzie." He sat down beside her.
"Morning, Ray." Elizabeth said. "What time is it?" She asked.
"10:30am." He replied and slung his arm over her shoulders.
"Did you just get up too?" She wondered.
"I've been up since 9am. I let you sleep in late. I think after last night's vigorous activities, you needed the extra sleeping time." He smirked.
She blushed from his comment. "So, breakfast in bed?" She indicated to the tray which contained a typical English breakfast which included bacon, scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes, fried mushrooms, baked beans, a couple slices of bread and finally a glass filled with orange juice.
"Of course. You're going to need all the nutrients. We have a couple of places to attend today." Ray mentioned. "You can't do that on an empty stomach."
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"Ray, this looks great." Elizabeth couldn't hide her smile as she listened to his explanation. He smiled back.
"Aren't you going to eat?" She asked.
"I already did." Ray replied. "This breakfast is just for you."
Elizabeth took a couple of bites from the scrambled eggs. She tilted her head to the side to look at Ray. "This is so good. You should seriously consider a career in the culinary arts."