Elizabeth Nolan decided that she needs a change of scenery and accepts a work transfer to London, England for the company she works for. After she and her ex break up due to his infidelity, she thinks it's a great idea to start off with a clean slat...
Elizabeth is pouring coffee in her mug in the break room. She walked back to her desk and sat down on the chair. She opened an email that was sent from an aspiring writer. It had two attachments. One file is about her book's plot and the other is an outline. Elizabeth looked over the files and forwarded them to Gemma. She took another sip of her coffee.
It's been two weeks since the afternoon she spent with Raymond. Elizabeth didn't want to sound clingy, but he has been quiet for a while. He only sent one vague text message which stated that he's going to be busy for a while. Elizabeth sent him a message back which stated if he could be more specific, but Raymond didn't reply. She tried to remain hopeful that he'll call or text soon.
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Samantha approached Elizabeth. "What's wrong?" She asked.
Elizabeth looked up when she heard Samantha's voice. "Just reminiscing about something."
"You were so happy go lucky a few days back and now you're broody. Something is obviously bothering you." Samantha noted. "Did you take your lunch break?"
"Not yet." Elizabeth replied.
"I'm going to take mine right now. Take yours too and you are going to tell me what's bothering you. I'm known for being a good listener." She suggested.
"Tell me everything." Samantha said. Elizabeth debated what to share about Raymond. They're not a couple. They spent two afternoons together. "For god's sake, just tell me!" She demanded. Elizabeth laughed at her demanding tone. "Tell me." Samantha joked and also ended up laughing.
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"Okay, okay! Just give me a minute." Elizabeth said while composing herself. "I met a man a few weeks back."
"Oooo, you found a man with an English accent." Samantha gushed.
Elizabeth burst out laughing. "Yes, he does have an English accent." She confirmed.
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