Elizabeth Nolan decided that she needs a change of scenery and accepts a work transfer to London, England for the company she works for. After she and her ex break up due to his infidelity, she thinks it's a great idea to start off with a clean slat...
Elizabeth loved her job. Gemma is a wonderful boss. She's not a micromanager. She has complete trust in her employees. Elizabeth got to know the other employees who are born and raised in London. Just like any workplace, there's always going to be one bad apple. That one bad apple became Elizabeth's enemy. One afternoon Elizabeth was having a pleasant conversation with a couple of employees in the breakroom. The bad apple, a.k.a. Hannah Johnson butted into the conversation. She heard Elizabeth's American accent and that was all it took for Hannah to dislike her. She said to Elizabeth: "Oh great, just what we need, an American is here to help us run our office because we're not capable of doing it.
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Since it's her off day, Elizabeth decided to enjoy the nice sunny weather and went to St.James Park. She bought a sandwich and soda at the café which is in the park. Elizabeth wanted to catch up on her reading and brought the latest book she has started reading. The book she started reading is called Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
Elizabeth walked around the park and saw the lake, blossom trees, the various flowers, and she even saw the Buckingham Palace which was a few feet away from the park. After walking for close to an hour, Elizabeth found a bench to sit on. She unwrapped the sandwich from the paper it was wrapped in. She opened a can of Coke and took a sip. She observed the people walking on the path. Some were with their families. There were couples walking and holding hands. There were also others walking by themselves. When she noticed a couple walking who were probably in their early-20s and they had big smiles while they held hands. She felt a bit sad, because not that long ago, she and Matt were walking together in Central Park having the time of their lives.
When she got bored of people watching, Elizabeth took out the book from her bag. She took out the bookmark and flipped onto the next page to begin reading the next chapter.
(AN: Raymond's outfit)
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After a long and stressful morning, Raymond Smith needed some peace and quiet. Two teenagers trespassed on Mickey's farm on the Presfield Manor. The security guards for some odd reason were not at their posts and didn't notice the trespassers. Since Raymond is Mickey's right-hand man he had to deal with the guards' incompetency. He gave them a firm warning that if this mistake happens one more time, then they will be security guards at the mall. The guards kept apologizing over and over about the incident. Raymond couldn't listen anymore to the guards and he left the property.