6 - Ascencion 1355

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Characters List

It's not my fault they had twelve children. Anyway this honestly helps you understand the War of the Roses. I'll explain along the way, I promise.

Edward III of England - King of England since he was fourteen, married to Philippa together they have many children. Intelligent if reckless, 43 years old

Philippa of Hainault, Queen of England - queen since she was fifteen, married to Edward III, highly efficient and cunning. Mother of their many children. Known in public as being maternal and gentle, but privately as ruthless as her husband. 41 years old.

Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales, - oldest son of Edward and Phillippa, crown prince of England, has been all of his life. An incredibly gifted military genius, very popular with the people and quite personable. Has a mistress named Adele, and illegitimate son Roger, whom he hides from the public eye. 25 years old.

Isabela of Woodstock - oldest daughter, second born child of Edward and Philippa. Quiet and withdrawn, unmarried. Often said to be Edward's favorite child. 23 years old

Lionel of Antwerp - next surviving son. Generally clever but quiet. Married to Elizabeth de Burgh, with whom he is expecting a child 16 years old.

John of Ghent - third surviving son of Edward and Philippa, highly intelligent and driven. Known for his many affairs even in his youth, closest to his oldest brother whom he served as a squire. 15 years old.

Edmund of Langley - fourth surviving son, mostly remains out of the public eye and socially withdrawn. 14 years old.

Mary of Waltham - second surviving daughter, 11 years old.

Margret of England - third surviving daughter - 10 years old.

Thomas of Woodstock - fifth surviving son, only a few months old

Henry of Grosmont, Duke of Lancaster - friend of the royal family and a powerful duke, lifelong friend of the king and crown prince, about 45 years old. Father of Blanche of Lancaster, husband of Isabel

Elizabeth de Burgh - wife of Lionel of Antwerp with whom she's expecting a child, niece of Henry of Grosmont, about twenty three

Maud of Lancaster Countess of Ulster - sister of Henry of Grosmont, mother of Elizabeth, about 46 years old

Isabel de Beaumont, Duchess of Lancaster - wife of Henry of Grosmont, together they have to two daughters, Maud and Blanche, who are twelve and ten respectively. About 35 years old

Sir Simon Burley - friend and follower of the prince of Wales, friend since boyhood

Sir Bernard Brocas - officially kennel master, unofficially best friend of the Prince of Wales

Kat Roet - a serving girl who is friends with the royal children, namely John of Ghent
Philippa Roet - sister to Kat, another serving girl, having an affair with John of Ghent
Marie de St Hilaire - serving girl to the queen, having an affair with John of Ghent

Geoffrey Chaucer - technically a squire to Lionel of Antwerp, friend of John of Ghent

Joan of Kent - cousin of Edward III, friends with his children. Married to Thomas Holland with whom she has children. About 28 years old.

Chapter 1 - April 8, 1355

Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales

There's cold light filtering in the high windows. It's cold in this castle. Always it seems. I can hear a melody playing in the back of my head but I can't name the tune. Maybe it's isn't anything at all. I breath out, closing my eyes again for just a moment. The bed is warm and I'm comfortable, but now that I'm awake I doubt if my mind will quiet. I'm leaving today.
I roll over slightly, just enough to look my bedfellows. Adele is is still asleep, soft little face pressed into the pillow. Our son curled up against her bare chest. Such an odd thought. I didn't want a child. Not to be me. Each day the bastard looks more like me that's a cruel trick of fate. He should just disappear. It'd be better that way. But life's not better. I'd have liked a girl nobody bothers with girls. But I have a healthy son instead. Dark curls and soft brown skin, big gentle dark eyes. I put my fingers through the child's soft hair as he sleeps. Both of them my guilty pleasures. Which I know better than to have and yet here I am. Watching my baby sleep at his mother's breast.
I reach out and carefully stroke Adele's shoulder, to wake her. A pretty french girl. Shouldn't have loved a french girl. She's pretty, a small thing. And I like who I am around her. So selfish as ever. She trusts me and it's my fault. She shouldn't. And she had my child now. It nearly killed her. The labor lasted for days. She's barren now the midwives said. It's a credit to the good sense I didn't use when I engendered the child, that I didn't say that was well enough we don't need another one. And it's we now her life is this. And somehow she doesn't care.
"What is it?" Adele blinks, shifting a little.
"Nothing, I'm leaving, you go back to sleep," I say, tugging the blanket farther over her then stroking her cheek with one finger.
"You're leaving now?' She frowns.
"It's dawn. I'll be back after the feast of Ascension, I promise," I say, quietly, "Just London."
"After that?" She asks, quietly.
I shrug. I have plans but they involve my father so subject a bit to change.
Adele sits up, looking around for something to wrap around herself. I watch appreciatively. She sighs, finding another blanket.
"You be all right here?" I ask. It's to be kind it isn't an option to leave. I think some portions of hell are nicer than life as a royal mistress. A poor move. For her own reasons she took it. Very glamorous caring for my bastard in near total seclusion. It was this or act like the child wasn't mine, or keep her someplace people would notice and let her be gawked at by half of England and reviled by the rest. No really good moves for her the best is this, life in something close to exile in hiding with the bastard. A sweet little boy who should have been third in line to the throne if I'd married his mother. I was never going to do that.
"You're going to war after that?" She asks.
"Yes, one way or the other," I say, "It's just Easter, with my family." She's met my family some of them, the least respectable ones. My favorite brother, John. He's clever so I can't' help but like him he's as soulless as our mother. And my father can't be trusted so he's shown up insisting on meeting his grandchild. They know. Took my finest performance to get my mother to condone this I know fully well she thought I should pay her off. I wasn't going to do that. I'm selfish, and spoiled. I like my life here and against my better judgement I like my little boy.
"That's it? You come back eventually?" Adele asks.
I nod, tracing our son's curls carefully.
"Will you take him to war with you someday?" She asks.
"If he likes. Probably send him to the church he's mild. And they don't care he's got no name," I say.
"He has a fine name," she smiles fondly down at the baby. She still loves him even if he's what traps her here. From the day she told me she was carrying him, I knew she was tied to me, and forever sullied. I couldn't pretend I wasn't ruining them. Well I won't.
"Be good for your mama, Roger," I say, kissing the little boy's cheek. He stirs a bit but doesn't wake.
"Will you be jousting?" Adele asks.
"Yes, I imagine, I don't know it'll be a feast with my family so lots of pointless conversations," I say.
"Nothing dangerous?" She asks.
"Nothing dangerous," I kiss her lips, a hand on her soft shoulder, "War will be. But I'll be back soon enough. I'll say goodbye before I leave."
She nods, looking down. She knows fully well I could have other women at court and she'd not know it. Or she ought to think that anyway. I don't know, she's trusted me farther than I personally thought she should. Evidenced by our baby curled up asleep in our bed.
"Will you get married do you think?" She asks.
"Not getting jealous are you?" I ask.
"I feel like you're so far away sometimes," she says, putting a hand on my cheek.
"I'm right here," I take her hand and kiss her fingers, "This is who I'd rather be."
"I didn't mean it like that—perhaps I did. I know you—have to have heirs," she says.
"Oh my brothers are well on that," I say, dryly. That's mostly about John and his interesting habit of bedding anything that moves. I'd be impressed with the military discipline it took to deflower every girl in Windsor, except he doesn't deserve that level of encouragement. Last time I was home it was to discover that the boys aren't safe either apparently I don't know why our parents were surprised.
"Just tell me," she says, quietly.
"Everything, always. You know that's us," I say, tipping my head against hers. How much I wish the words were true. I like this being us.  "Right here. This room. My entire world." The one I treasure the most.
"Sorry," she smiles a little.
"Don't, you're fine. Comes with the territory. I'll be home soon," I say, stroking her cheek, "If something holds me up I'll send Simon or Bernard all right?"
"All right," she nods, "Must you—go to war?"
Oh god yes.
"Probably, soon, that's how it goes," I say. It has my whole life. I kiss her lips again, savoring them a moment. "Go back to bed. It's early yet."
She nods, looking down at the sleeping baby. I kiss the boy's cheek once more then rise to dress. The wolfhound that was asleep by the door circles, seeing me up and moving.
"Shh, stay with them," I pat the dog. It's one of the ones I keep her to watch her and the kid. Admittedly I'm known for my fine wolfhounds but anyone coming after them is doing it because of me so it's a safe enough association. 
"Promise you'll—," Adele breaks off.
"What?" I smile, charmingly. And she nearly laughs. "What?" I come closer. "You're not going to try to tempt me from war are you? Because I'm warning you it might work." It wouldn't.
"No, no, I just—," she twists her hand in mine, "Sometimes I see a look in your eyes and it's like a whole other person is waiting to get out."
"Sometimes I think the baby wakes you up too much at night," I say, cradling her face in my hands, "Look at me. I'm right here." Annoyance is building in my chest.
"Good," she kisses me.
"Yeah. I'm right here," I say, stroking her cheek.
We kiss again and I smother my irritation till I'm completely outside. Bernard and Simon are waiting with the horses, anticipating my leaving at the break of dawn. We will ride hard we can make London by the evening.
"So you're having a lovely morning," Bernard says, flatly, as I pause to punch my own arm as hard as I can. I rub my face. I'm not bothering to mask any annoyance.
"You gonna tell us before or after we go kill someone?" Simon is realistic, already mounted and out of punching range for that remark.
"It's nothing," I say, mounting as well, "Just Adele."
"Jealous you're going?" Bernard offers, because I wasn't going to continue.
"No. Said that—out of nowhere said I look like two people," I say, disgusted.
"Aw, she noticed one of your other personalities?" Simon asks, incredibly sympathetically.
I take off my gauntlet specifically to throw it at him.
"So that's a yes, look she already has your baby she'll probably like what a—upsetting—person you are —we do," Bernard says.
"I have more removable clothing items and it's a very long ride," I snarl.
"So what?" Simon actually throws back my gauntlet, "Like he said we like you."
"I don't want that. My favorite person is—with her that's why I have her, surprised me as well but here we are," I mutter, "I don't know what I'd do if she left."
"She can't leave you she has your bastard and is locked up in your father's castle," Simon is mildly helpful.
"Yes tactically I've got her cornered, that was not the idea," I say, dryly, "It was only a moment she said. I'm better than that. And I don't know where I slipped. No matter. I won't again. Her or the little boy. Should leave him in a church get him away from everything. And send her to one too."
"But we're not doing that," Simon frowns.
"Correct because I have no self control evidenced by the bastard. Well. Onward," I smile dryly, "Let's make London by nightfall."
"Do we have to?" Bernard sighs. He's not looking forward to my family.
"You can stay with the dogs," I say.
'That's really all I ask your family is—,"
"I wouldn't be doing this at all but I need war with France, my father will start that he has no self control, and I need to be involved in that," I say, "So we're just going to go in, I'll be calm, and controlled. And we'll have a very normal time with no fake kidnappings or weird secret plays or jousting injuries."
We all three start laughing, mostly at the same time though I like to think I held it in longer than they did.
"So it's going to be completely typical?" Simon laughs.
"Yes definitely but in the end, I get to go to France."

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