I'm yours- (ShubRo)

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Shubi is burning with jealousy after the RR and MI match because Ro and Yash are acting like a lovely couple which it should be with him and Ro. The way Yash looks at Ro in practice and the way Ro looks at Yash when he scored half a century. don't get him wrong he doesn't have any problem with Yash. Shub is jealous and insecure as he didn't get his much-needed attention and it's all going to Yash. 

Because whenever he opens the internet, all talk about Ro and Yash's bond. and there is nothing about him and Ro on the internet.

shub pov 

I was sulking while watching their interaction  just then Ro called him 

"Shubi, how was your day" Ro beamed happily


Ro frowned at his small reply and tone 

"What happened to you"


"Just tell me, babe"

" you know it-" Ro cut him off

"sorry Shub, Yash is calling me I will call back in a few minutes" With that Ro cut the call

shub scoffed looking at his phone screen, when Ro cut his call  

 anyway, he waited for his boyfriend to call him back but nothing came no call nor even a message 

shub lost his patience and decided to go to the MI camp where the RR team also staying their 

"Baby just wait for your punishment," Shubi said smirking 

with ro 

"bhai let's play another round, plsss" Yash whined 

"no Yash let's play tomorrow it's already got late go and sleep" Ro ruffled Yash's hair 

with that, Yash existed Ro's room and just when Rohit going to close the door someone stopped him 

"Who is I-" Ro looked shocked as Shub stood in front of him

"Shubi what are you doing here, " Rohit asked shocked 

Shubman said nothing just pushed Rohit inside and locked the room door 

"Baby you have been a very bad boy these days, be ready for the punishment," Shubman said 

"what did I do," Ro asked scared 

"you can talk whatever you want but just know that it will increase your punishment," Shub said 

Rohit gulped at his words and shut his because he knew how dangerous Shub could be when he was angry

with that Shub grabbed ro waist and started to kiss him roughly, Rohit immediately surrendered 

"Ahh ~" Rohit moaned when he felt Shubman's hands grab his butt. Shubi took this chance to enter his tongue inside, exploring every wet cavern of rohit.

they both pulled away when Rohit tapped Shubman's shoulder indicating that he was out of breath and aggressively ripped Rohit's outfit and his, causing Ro to moan mindlessly as he fell on his back on the bed. 

It had been so long since they had sex, so Rohit also wanted this even though this was punishment. he is needy for his boyfriend's touch 

"raw" Shub informed Ro and Ro's eyes widened 

and Shub immediately shoved his length inside of Rohit, not letting him adjust as he pounded mercilessly inside of him. 

Rohit screamed, whined, and moaned as he gripped harshly onto the bedsheets, his eyes cried for help

"Ahhh sl- ahhh slow down ahhh" ro screamed

"should have thought before doing that," Shub said smacking Ro's ass and pounding onto him, causing Rohit to moan and scream uncontrollably.

"s-shub- ahh! tha- ahh, that's ahhh fuck! too much ahhh" Rohit yelled. 

Shubman stopped and caressed Rohit's cheek, wiping the tears away from Rohit's eyes and cheeks. 

Shubman pulled away and went to grab his bag which he brought to use on ro 

rohit heart skipped a beat when he saw the items in Shubman's hand 

a vibrator, handcuffs, whip, blindfold, and a cockring. Rohit hated cockring the most as it doesn't let him cum.

"S- shubi... p-please..." Rohit backed away. Shubi having none of it

"What did I say, you should have thought before acting that way" Shubman smirked as he got on the bed. he took the blindfold and wrapped it around Rohit's eyes. 

Shubman grabs the handcuffs and cuffs Yoongi's hands together. and inserted the cockring into his member

"Get ready" Shubman laughed sinisterly. 

Rohit shivered in fear.

"s-shub-AHHH!" Rohit reamed as felt the vibrator get shoved inside his hole, it fit Rohit's hole perfectly.

the vibrator was set to its highest, Rohit couldn't take it, he want to cum, but he couldn't take the sensation but the cockring was blocking him from cumming 

"Shubi ahhh please ahhh ta- take o-ahh of the cockring ahhh please" Ro begged. Shubi decided to pity his cute boyfriend and took off the cockring and with that Rohit came with a loud moan he pulled the vibrator away and turned it off before throwing it away somewhere.

Rohit screamed in pain and pleasure with overstimulation when he felt Shubman entering him. 

Rohit came, crying and legs shaking from overstimulation when Shubman pounded into him at an unbelievably animalistic speed.

Rohit begged him to slow down but Shubman continued to pound into him. Rohit came again with a loud moan. his hole clenched around Shubman's length, causing Shubman to come inside of him as well with a moan.

Shubman grabbed the whip and started smacking Rohit's ass, making it jiggle 

"AHHH SHIT AHH" Rohit cried.

Shubman stopped placed the whip on the bed and carefully pulled out causing Rohit to cry. he gently sat Rohit up unlocked his handcuff removed his blindfold and felt his heart drop. Rohit's eyes looked puffy, his cheeks were pink and full of tears and his lips were quivering. they never went this hard during their sex

"I-I'm sorry..." Shubman said. he raised a hand to Rohit's cheek only for it to back away when Rohit flinched.

"S-s-shubi i-it h-h-hurts.." Rohit sobbed and stuttered.

"shu- shuu I'm sorry" he engulfed Ro in a tight hug and whispered

"at least tell me what I did wrong," Ro asked pouting and sobbing


"hm say nothing after you went this hard with me," Ro said glaring 

"it's just you know nowadays you are spending all of your time with Yash and not giving me any attention and the way he looks at you and that the way you look at him and all the people are shipping you and not me an-" ro cut of his rant with his lips 

"Okay okay I understand you are jealous and insecure but you don't have to feel that way you know because you are my boyfriend and Yash is in a bad phase right now, he is feeling bad about himself that's why I helping him out to come out of his this phase. so you don't have to feel jealous because I'm yours" Rohit said softly while cupping Shubi's face

Shubi hummed while hugging him tightly 

"I'm sorry I went too hard today," Shubi said feeling guilty

"It's okay, this also felt nice but it hurts a little," Ro said while smiling and pouting at the same time 

"Sorry," Shubi said showing his puppy eyes, Rohit smiled 

"Okay, you go sleep. I'll clean both of us" Shubi gently caressed Rohit's cheek as he continuously stroked Rohit's hair

Rohit fell asleep and Shubi cleaned both of them and made Rohit sleep comfortably he went to his GT camp 

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