Punishment - (Mahirohirat) (Angst)

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Since some of you guys requested for the angst end in the punishment chapter. So here it is.
It's the punishment part but what if Rohit is angry with them as they went too hard on him?


Vi and Mahi were engaging in a rough sexual encounter with Ro.
Ro became overwhelmed.

Mahi went to retrieve a nipple clip and attached it to Ro's nipple. Ro despised this particular thing.

"Please, not this one. I hate it. Please, ahh," Ro pleaded. Vi responded by placing a gag ball in Ro's mouth, preventing him from making any noise.

Mahi and Vi decided to experiment with something new. They both entered Ro simultaneously, causing Ro to feel as if he was being torn apart by two large members. Ro experienced an immense amount of pain. When they both fully entered him, Ro couldn't handle it anymore.

Despite Ro's attempts to communicate the safe word, his mouth was gagged and his hands were bound with rope. Both Vi and Mahi were too caught up in their pleasure to notice the pain Ro was in.

Eventually, Ro began to bleed from his hole, but neither Vi nor Mahi noticed. They continued to increase their pace until Ro lost consciousness. It was only after they reached their climax and cummed inside Ro that they realized the severity of Ro's condition and the bleeding.

They felt guilty for not recognizing the distress Ro was in. They removed the rope, nipple clip, and gag ball from Ro's body, cleaned him up, applied ointment to his butt and hole, and then cuddled with him as they fell asleep.

At morning

Ro woke up and glanced around his bed, only to see it empty. The events of the previous night played vividly in his mind, fueling his anger towards Mahi and Vi.
Just then, the bedroom door creaked open, revealing Mahi and Vi standing there. Ro avoided their gaze, clearly still upset.

"Good morning," Mahi said cautiously.

Ro ignored them, trying to get up, but they stopped him.

"Don't move. We'll do anything you ask," Vi said.

"No need," Ro replied coldly, finally managing to stand. However, as he stepped onto the floor, he stumbled and fell, letting out a cry of pain.

"Ahhhhh!" Ro shouted, feeling the ache in his lower body.

Mahi and Vi rushed to help him up, but Ro pushed them away, saying, "Don't touch me." With the support of the wall, he made his way to the restroom to freshen up.

Mahi and Vi exchanged worried looks, realizing Ro was angry. They were determined to make things right and bring a smile back to his face.

Ro's eyes were filled with tears as he looked at the breakfast and the movie ticket on his bed. Despite feeling happy, he couldn't help but remember the pain he had gone through the day before.

"Do you really think this makes up for what happened yesterday?" Ro asked coldly, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Mahi and Vi looked guilty as they tried to apologize. "We're truly sorry, Ro. We know we crossed a line yesterday. Please forgive us," Mahi pleaded.

Ro's expression remained stern. "I was in pain and wanted to use the safe word, but I couldn't. You both were so focused on your pleasure that you didn't see my suffering," Ro said, his words cutting through the air.

Vi and Mahi felt the weight of their actions. "We're sorry for not realizing the pain you were in," Vi said, his voice filled with regret.

Ro's gaze was unwavering. "How could you not see it?" he questioned, showing no mercy towards his partners.

"I'm going out," Ro declared as he made his way to the door, struggling with his emotions.

Vi and Mahi followed him, trying to stop him. "You can't go out," they said in unison.

Ro turned back, his eyes reflecting his hurt. "And what will you do? Punish me again and use me for your pleasure?" he asked, his voice laced with bitterness.

Mahi felt hurt. "Please don't say that, Ro."

Ro's tone remained firm. "I'm just stating the truth of what happened."

"We're sorry, but it's not safe for you to go out. Anything could happen," Vi explained.

"Nothing happened when I went to Rahul's house," Ro argued.

"Who said nothing happened, our enemies saw you leaving and followed you. We saw it on the CCTV and sent guards to Rahul's place to ensure your safety," Vi revealed.

Ro was shocked by the information. Tears filled his eyes as he said, "I'm sorry for not obeying you, but you both made me feel like a sex toy."

Vi stepped forward, his expression remorseful.
"We are truly sorry for making you feel that way. We promise it won't happen again," he vowed.

Ro took a moment to compose himself before turning to face his boyfriends. "I need time to think about this. I need space to process everything that happened," he said firmly.

Vi and Mahi nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew they had crossed a line and hurt Ro deeply. They knew they had to make things right and earn back his trust.

" I'm going to our safe house," Ro said as both Vi and nahi nodded as they knew nothing would happen to Ro there.

As Ro walked out the door, he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and violation. He couldn't believe that the two people he loved and trusted the most had hurt him in such a way.

But deep down, he knew that they were truly sorry and regretted their actions. He knew that they would do anything to make things right and prove to him that they were worthy of his love.

And he drove away to the safe house to relax his mind

With Mahi and Vi, they decided to do something to make Ro forgive them and how remorseful they are feeling

Time skip to 8 pm

Ro full day relaxed his mind and went back to his house. When he entered the house he was surprised as it was fully decorated with sorry words and there was a sorry cake also, Ro couldn't help but chuckle at the gesture.

He knew that Vi and Mahi had put a lot of effort into this, and it touched his heart. As he walked further into the house, he noticed a trail of rose petals leading to the living room.

Curiosity piqued, Ro followed the trail and found Vi and Mahi standing there, holding hands and wearing matching apologetic expressions on their faces. They had prepared a heartfelt speech, ready to pour out their emotions and beg for forgiveness.

Ro couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was still hurt and angry about what had happened. On the other hand, he could see the genuine remorse in their eyes, and he knew that they were truly sorry.

Taking a deep breath, he ran to them and hugged them.

" Forgave us?" Vi asked anxiously.

"How can I not after you guys did this much for me forgive you" Ro said.

Mahi and Vi tighten their hold around Ro and promise them to never hurt Ro again.


Hope you guys like it ❤

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