Love on the pitch - (PatRo) (Part 2)

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"I hate you" Rohit shouted at Pat, as he desperately tried to break free from Pat's grasp.

In response to Rohit's protest, Pat forcefully pinned him against the nearby wall.

In a husky tone, Pat asked, "Why, baby?"

While struggling, Ro demanded, "Let go of my hands."

"First, answer my question," Pat insisted, maintaining eye contact with Ro.

Ro ceased his protests but remained silent. Pat let out a sigh of frustration.

"Baby, say something," Pat urged.

After a few minutes of silence, Ro finally spoke up.

"You know, Pat, You're not just a great bowler, but an amazing person too, no one can reject you and I... I do have feelings for you, Pat," Ro confessed "But I'm scared. Scared of what people would say, scared of losing my close ones. I don't know if I can handle it."

Pat gently cupped his face and said

"I understand your fears, Ro. But we won't know what could be unless we take that chance. We can face whatever comes together, as long as we're honest with each other."

Rohit looked into Pat's eyes, seeing the sincerity and love reflected in him. With a mix of nervousness and determination, Rohit finally nodded.

"Okay, Pat. Let's give us a chance. Let's see where this takes us."

A smile spread across Pat's face as he pulled Rohit into a tight embrace and Rohit hugged back with the same love.

After departing from the hug Pat looked into Ro's eyes asking for permission. Rohit smiled gently and blinked his eyes giving permission.

Pat captured Ro's lip with his in a passionate kiss. Rohit could feel himself getting lost in the moment, in Pat's arms. He knew he wanted this, he wanted Pat in every way.

Pat sensing Rohit's desperation, took charge and told him to jump on him between the kiss and Rohit jumped and Wrapped his legs around Pat's waist, without breaking the kiss they went into the room in the club

Pat pushed Rohit down onto the bed, crawling on top of him. Rohit gasped as he felt Pat's hardness against his own, the weight of his body pressing him down.

Pat kissed him deeply, his lips devouring Rohit's, and Rohit could feel himself getting lost in the moment, in the heat of their passion.

Pat broke the kiss and trailed his lips down Rohit's neck. He gently nibbled on Rohit's earlobe, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body.

"You're so beautiful," Pat whispered. "I want to worship every inch of you"

He unbuttoned Rohit's shirt and ran his hands over his smooth body. Rohit's breath caught in his throat as Pat's fingers traced the contours of his body.

"You're perfect," Pat said. "And you're all mine"

He unzipped Rohit's pants and gently pulled them down. Rohit's cock sprang to attention, throbbing with need.

Pat leaned forward and took Rohit's cock in his mouth. Rohit gasped in pleasure as Pat's tongue swirled around his sensitive head. He arched his back and thrust his hips forward, desperate for more.

Pat withdrew from Rohit's mouth and knelt before him. He spread Rohit's legs wide and began to lick his asshole. Rohit's body convulsed with pleasure as Pat's tongue explored his most intimate space.

"Oh god, Pat," he moaned. "That feels so good"

Pat continued to lick and suck until Rohit was on the verge of climax. Then, he withdrew and stood up

Ro whined at the loss of the contract.

"Wait baby I'm all yours" Ro blushed at that and Pat searched for Lube and a condom on the nearby table In the room

Pat slicked himself up, his hand working his length up and down. Rohit watched, mesmerised,

"Can I? " Pat asked for his permission.
Ro smiled at him and said yes,
With that Pat positioned himself at his entrance and entered slowly.

"Ahhhh" Ro felt a moment of pain as Pat pushed inside him, Pat distracted him by kissing him and soon the pain was replaced by pleasure, a deep, aching need that Rohit had never felt before.

Pat moved slowly, carefully, his hips rocking back and forth as he filled Rohit. Rohit wrapped his legs around Pat's waist, pulling him closer, wanting to feel him deeper.

They moved together, their bodies slick with sweat and heat, their moans and gasps filling the room. Rohit felt like he was flying, soaring on waves of pleasure that threatened to consume him.

Pat's thrusts grew harder, faster, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Rohit could feel himself getting close, the tension building in his belly, his balls tightening.

And then he was there, falling over the edge, his orgasm crashing over him like a wave. Pat followed a moment later, and he too was released.

But their passion was not satisfied yet, and they found themselves in for second round

Rohit was crying out in pleasure, his body shaking with each thrust.

Pat took Rohit to the edge, then pulled out, leaving Rohit wanting more. He moved Rohit to the edge of the bed, then bent him over, taking him from behind. Rohit's toes curled with pleasure as Pat hit his prostate, over and over again.

The two of them moved together, their bodies slick with sweat as they explored every inch of each other. They fucked on the bed, on the floor, against the wall, their bodies entwined as they lost themselves in the moment.

Finally, they collapsed in a heap on the bed. Pat wrapped his arms around Rohit, pulling him close as they caught their breath.

"I love you, Ro" Pat whispered, his voice full of emotion.

"I love you too, Pat, "Rohit replied, his voice choked with emotion.

They lay there, tangled up in each other's arms, their bodies still humming with pleasure. And with those simple words, they both knew that they had found something special. Something that would last a lifetime and they were never going to let each other go.


Hope you guys liked it ❤

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