Echoing Regrets - (RohiRat) (Part 2)

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"Hello " Vi spoke 

Ro looked at him  with a bewildered and confused expression not knowing what was happening

"Gimme a min, I will stand up," Vi said as he got up from the bed he was laying two minutes ago 

"I'm tired after this big performance," Vi murmured stretching his body after lying in bed for an hour

On the other side, Rohit is thinking if he is dreaming or if he is also dead so that he sees his vi talking 

"Can you stand up" Vi said as Ro was sitting on the floor as Vi was taking off all his bandages from his body 

Ro stood up and was shaken up by Vi's action 

"Yes my dear Ro, now will you admit that I'm the one in your heart," Vi asked

Ro looked horrified and upset at Vi after realizing that it was all a prank 

Vi, noticing Ro's reaction, said, "It's nothing, Ro baby, I just wanted to show you how much you love me, that's why this little drama. Sorry." 


A harsh slap is landed in vi's face.

Ro slapped him causing Vi's face to turn to the side from the impact.

Ro looked at him with tear-filled eyes and Vi looked at Ro  understanding his pain, began to speak again 

"I know what I did is wrong,"


Again a harsh slap landed on Vi's face

" You can beat me as much as you want but just say I love you at the end," Vi said

Ro started to beat Vi on his chest  while crying as his emotions are riled up

Vi who received the hit, even though it pained didn't say anything, let Ro to take all his emotions out

when the hits are lightened Ro lightly pushed Vi and stops hitting him but crying a bit, in a few sec he throws himself on Vi hugging him tightly by his neck  

"Vi " Ro said while sobbing

Vi smiled

"I love you Vi, I don't need anyone, I just want you, you are the only one in my heart," Ro said while crying and still hugging him

"To make you realize that I have to sacrifice my life and come back," Vi sighed as Ro finally confessed

"I'm sorry," Ro said as he finally left vi

Vi smiled at Ro and opened his arms wide, asking him to come back.

Ro gladly hugged him with a bright smile and Vi also hugged him back, finding peace in each other's warmth.

Both departed from the hug and looked at each other with loving eyes.

"I hurt you badly, I'm sorry," Vi said, feeling guilty.

"Even though, how can you prank like this?" Ro asked with a pout.

"Sorry, I will not do it again," Vi said while holding his ears.

Ro chuckled at him, "Please don't ever do that again."


Then Ro remembered about Jaddu, "What about Jaddu?"

"Oh, he is the one who planned all this," Vi said, exposing Jaddu.

At the same time, Jaddu entered the room.

"All clear, lovebirds," Jaddu said while entering the room, and Vi sat down on the bed, looking at their drama.

" Jaddu, you monkey," Ro pointed at him.

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