Chapter 5

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"You're up early, good morning." Nothing good about this morning, I got up early to avoid her in case she was feeling like picking a fight this morning.

Her hand brushes on my back before she pulls it back quickly. Hope we can enjoy the morning. Some peace and quiet is all I ask for

"Yeah I have something I need to attend to."

"Don't forget we are meeting with Dr. Ray."

"I wouldn't forget that."

"You did last week."

"I was busy." My voice rising a little higher than I intended. Finally turning to face her and I can't even look at her. All I wanted was to drink my tea in peace.

"That's what you said the other week as well" I'll save my energy for the therapy session, clearly, we are turning the clock backwards.

"I'm not doing this with you right now." Placing the cup of tea in the sink. Before I say something, I will have to explain in therapy I leave the room, and out of the house. Its for the best, otherwise I may say something I would regret.

It was frustrating enough knowing will have to talk about what happened last night in therapy over and over till my brain hurts.


"Why are you still with her?" Chris asks, sitting across from me on the table. "Don't answer that, we all know why because you pity her." I glance at him for a second, the dude needs to check himself before I do. "Oh, I said something offensive."

"I shouldn't have said anything to you."

"No, you shouldn't have." He stands up, making me lean back in my chair because his going to make this a conversation, seems that's what everyone wants to do today. "All the times you came to my house, telling me how you're going to tell that its over, then something happens which I understand and you say you want to be there for her so you stay and she gets better then we are at the same bridge over again. You're my friend and I don't know why you're drowning yourself."

"I need to be there for her."

"You don't have to be in a relationship for that."

"Chris, I have nothing new to say."

"Sooner or later one of you is going to get hurt, that's all I'm saying."

"And it is well received." Imagine if I tell him about Olivia.

He never understood and its alright, we don't walk in the same shoes. I know Layla, and I care about her she needs me and that's all that matters to me. So, I will stay by her side, look after her and when it comes down for it, I'll hold her hand.

Now the Olivia situation is like a forbidden fruit, see the longer it stays uneaten the more desirable it gets. I already had a taste, once I eat it, this craving.... yes, it is just craving I'm experiencing will go away and my life can go back to the way it was. She can take her sunshine with her.

This is simply just a minor situation that can be handled by dealing with it, better to attack than ignore. So that I can fully forget about her existence. I just have to get through the therapy.

I was twenty minutes early for the therapy, not that I'm excited to be here. There better things I could be doing with my time. Layla came in looking like she expected to first, her step became hesitant, approaching me slowly. The door opens as if sensing we are ready to begin with the never-ending dialogue.

"Okay, how are we?"

I was doing fantastic before coming here, like my mood was on cloud nine when I received a call from Olivia. It was nice hearing her voice. Apparently, she was just clocking out from her shift, thought she could get my input on what kind of tools to pick, oh she had in mind was a screwdriver which she needs to use but you just can't buy one. Then when she reached the tool section, she was wondering why there were so many different screwdrivers which brought us to the conclusion that she didn't even know what the nut she wanted to unscrew looked like, hence the tool box.

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