Chapter 6

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All the air left my lungs, turning my knees weak. Relief washing over me.

I pulled back, locking eyes with her and make sure she wants to do this. Olivia brushed my cheek with her thumb, a soft wordless nod.

This is it.

We leaned in, our lips touching tenderly at first, her hands grabbed at my shirt pulling me closer. Her lips fluttered over mine, sending hot air into my mouth and she bit my lip, doing damage to it as she took charge claiming my lips as hers. I opened my mouth, tongue peeking out and swiping mine across hers. Returning the passionate flavor, I pulled her in by the waist, devouring her slowly and passionately, sucking her up like she was water in a desert, I moaned into her mouth, sucking her lips harder. Feeling ashamed, aroused and most importantly free.

Free to have her in my arms. Her body shuddered as my lips moved to kiss her warm neck, sinking to the spot behind ear. I could feel Olivia's skin blossoming with heat as my lips moved over her jawline. Biting into her inviting flesh, exhibiting terrible self-control that I would punch my own face. I wrapped my tie around the back of her neck with my other

hand, tugging her toward me and binding us together as we kissed intensely. Her groin bucking against my own cemented the fact she wanted to be fucked badly.

Olivia pulled the tie between us, moaning helplessly into my mouth. she drew back instantly and walked us to her room, taking off her clothes as we moved through her place. Letting her lead, I did the same, tossing my jacket, shirt and unbuckled my belt just as we reached her bed. Spinning her around so her ass-cheeks where against my hard-on.

I covered her body with mine from behind, running my fingers from

the side of her thigh to her midriff. Cupped her small breast, enjoying the pleasure. I could feel myself stiffen, my erection pressing against her butt. My heart fluttered behind my ribcage.

Oh, my.

Her back arching, and I had to bite down the smile that wants to explode through my entire face. Olivia chuckled, her hand sliding at the back of my neck, pulling me down with her on the bed. Thrusting between her ass-cheeks through her panties, Olivia let out a soft moan, pushing off her, I spun her around so that she was facing me. I wanted to look in those eyes. Standing straight, Olivia moved further up the bed as I removed my trouser. In my briefs, I knelt on the bed and pulled her legs closer, slamming our groins together, I watched as her breath hitched, her eyelids lowered filled with desire.

"Spencer." She let out

thing that met my damp panties.

Olivia leaned up and captured my lips with hers, she kissed me long and hard, plunging her tongue into my mouth, in a rhythm that made my balls tingle of something warm and rubbed her pussy against my swollen cock.

It was just the two of us tucked in a bubble I knew was bound to burst.

"So hot," she muttered in what I thought could be actual awe between kisses that became dirtier, longer, and wetter, her hand slipped into my briefs, stroking me at a taunting pace.

A buzzing sound came from the other room before it started ringing continuously.

"Ahhh" she let out exaggeratedly, "That's my work phone." I nodded, letting her go answer the phone. Time to take some breaths in. Once she was out of the room. I checked my phone which was in my pocket and a message popped up from Simone. A dark chill cascaded through my body, paralyzing my thoughts for just a second.

With quick movements I picked my trouser and pulled it on, walking out of the room, picking up everything I tossed. Olivia is still on the phone. I walk to her mouthing an emergency to her, acknowledging me with a kiss to send me off, her phone call seemed important from her facial expression.

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