Chapter 9

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She looks at me pleadingly, don't know why she's given me that look. I haven't even said what I intend to say. I've put it off for long enough

"Can we just keep it light tonight, you can tell me what you have to say in our next session." Yeah, I don't think so, looking away from me for a second, her come back to me and there is something pleading in her eyes.

"Layla, its important..." trying once more.

Layla shuts me down quickly, making herself busy. "Please?"

Nodding my head, I continue the dish. And setting the table.


It's a Friday, I am packed outside Olivia's house waiting, I know she knows I am out here. Looking at the time she's about to be running late if she doesn't come out soon. Thirty minutes go by before I see coming to my car. Because I'm blocking hers,

"Do I have to tell you to move."

"Hoping and I'll take you."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"No need for talking just hope in." She sighs, looking back at her vehicle. Contemplating her life. "You're already running late." Her head turns towards the road, "The bus will make it worse, you have to walk to the station, then wait and..."

"No talking, I don't want to here anything you have to say." Her steps moving towards my car. I look away as she slides inside the car, trying to hide my smile.

Once she has her seatbelt on, I accelerate out of her packing space. Keeping my word, I actually don't say anything and I don't even have music playing in the background. I'm enjoying just having to seat next to her.

I find our silence comforting, from time to time I can feel her eyes on me. Her anger is evaporating as time passes between us, Olivia is trying to stay mad and I hope she succeeds because I don't plan to give up on her anytime soon. I'm sure I can ware her down.

"Can you drive any slower." She states

The car is moving at 60, glancing at her I start to slow the car until we are moving at 40. The behind starts honking his hone. With my arm out of the window, I indicate for him to move along if his in a rush which is under stable with this morning rush hour I am driving like I'm entering my kitchen.

She chuckles looking out the window, when she looks back at me, her smile creeping through. "Spencer.... I'm already behind time." And whose fault will that be. Giving her my own reassurance, I step on the gas, since I told her I won't speak. To her, maybe I should play some music, to get my mouth moving.

Switching on the Bluetooth, the first song is talking about love, now it looks like I planned this and I can't turn it off, it would make things awkward. I love what we got going on right now.

We reach the hospital, I thought she was going to run has soon has I parked the car. Here we are sitting in silence once again, her fingers keep playing with her bag. "Does your wife know you are here?"

I don't respond right away. "No"

"You're making this difficult..."

Turing in my seat, I take her hands in mine, thankfully she doesn't pull away. "What's difficult is intentionally staying away from you." Her brown eyes scan my face closely, I don't know what she sees. Her hands are pulled away from me and she leaves the car.


"I want us to break up." Her eyes are not looking at me, well she hasn't been able to do that since last night. I can't wait anymore. "And I'm quitting my job." I have been saving for a specific goal, I think its time to cash in on that.

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