Part 4 : Allah is priority

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The night well spent then we all headed to our homes after celebrating our Victory

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The night well spent then we all headed to our homes after celebrating our Victory.

On the next morning Helena went to the university with Farris and Fatima and went to their classes.

After the class ended, Helena and Mia were busy with their work. Meanwhile, Alex, Zaim, and John were discussing the assignment. That's when John suggested while looking at them, "Should we go to the business administration class to pick up some students for the assignment?"

Alex looked up at John then he said while shaking his pen, "Yeah, I guess this is the right time to go as all the business administration classes have ended, so we can find someone who is worthy. What do you say, Zaim?"

Meanwhile, Zaim was lost in his thoughts, then he remembered the guy who was talking to Helena the other day. He realized and muttered to himself,
"I should ask Minho about the girl as he must know about her since he was talking to her that day, yes I should ask him,"
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard John's voice,

He replied in a neutral tone,
"Guys do you know where Minho is ? "
John replied.
"I don't know bro may be in the cafeteria."
Then he asked him in surprise.
"Well why are you asking about him.?"
Zaim replied after standing from his seat,
"I'll tell you later, I have something to ask Minho."
He grabbed his book in his hand and then left from there.

Alex said to John while closing his notebook.
"Let's go John I don't think Zaim is even a little bit interested in this assignment, now we have to do something on our own we can't wait for him. Besides we don't have much time left to submit this assignment, and you know how lengthy it is.

John nodded his head and then they headed towards Helena's class.
As they reached, Alex and John rolled their eyes to see the classroom then Alex's gaze fell on Helena's figure seated among her classmates.

He smirked and gave a flirty look after seeing her there since he was too flirty with every girl and every girl always sticked around him to be with him though he hadn't commited to anyone.

Then he said to himself,
"Oh so your majoring in the same as me, should I test you hmm? Yes I guess I should."
He turned to John with a smirk then he said,
"Let's go, bro. I think I found the perfect pair for us."

John looked towards him then he asked while joining his eyebrows in confusion.
" What do you mean bro?"
Alex again smirked then he grabbed him around his neck and said.
"Man You will see soon."

They both went closer to Helena's chair. Alex excused while saying.
"Hey excuse me?"
Helena turned her head towards Alex with wide open eyes, just then she felt her heart skipped a beat, and found herself lost in his grey orbs for a while.

Alex shifted his eyes towards John then again rolled his eyes towards Helena, looking baffled. He asked again with gentle smile.
"May I sit here?"

Helena realized, she lost in his eyes right then she tried her best to hold herself, clearing her throat then she spoke hesitantly.
"Um mhmm uh what do you w.. want from me ?"

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