Squad gathering

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We wake up to banging on the doors and windows.

I ran down to the door in my T-shirt and shorts having made absolutely no effort what so ever, thankfully baggy shirts and shorts were my go to style anyway especially when just chilling at home.

Everyone came in and I told them to make themselves at home pointing to where glasses finally were and the fridge.

As I get a hug from behind Leah had snuck downstairs and wrapped her arms round me 'Hey, McCabe, you shouldn't leave your front door unlocked you know' she laughed before saying hi to the other girls who had conveniently come round the back and been scoping out the house too much to notice Leah.

*internal thoughts*

Are we going to just pretend like none of this is happening, I have no idea how she wants to play it or even if she knows how well she's playing it - Williamson has me eating out of the palm of her hand and I'm not about to stop. She's a pleasant distraction from everything I left in Ireland - infact I don't know what I did leave there, I've not heard from Ru since I text to say I'd got in the house, id had no contact at all and while there was an empty void Williamson had kind of slotted in there without question leaving me feeling more comfortable than I could have imagined after a breakup, break... whatever it was'

'So... tell us everything' Alex Scott said as she pulled a beanbag over and flopped on it.

'Everything... how long you got' I laughed back.

Leah sat with Alex, the Aussie girls all sat together and Jen, Beth and Russo all sat together, my house definitely wasn't big enough but we made it work.

The night was filled with chatting games and a few drinks, turns out most of the girls can't handle their alcohol as the training and nutrition schedules mean they drink so infrequently that limits haven't quite been worked out!

Jen pipped up 'So McCabe, you seeing anyone? Left a girl... or boy in Ireland?'

I froze a little - looked over at Williamson who looked back at me eagerly waiting for the answer to come quickly

'Ha if I had it would be a girl I thought it was pretty obvious..., but ermm' I hesitated before saying 'I guess I'm single'.

Everyone started talking over one another enquiring how I could only guess I was single, wanting to know what exactly the situation was, the one person who didn't speak - Williamson.

'It's complicated' I said 'I was seeing someone back in Ireland but before I came to England things finished, anyway.... Anyone up for a shot seeing as I've just told you everything someone else gets to go next'

'I'll help you get them' Williamson said as all the other girls nodded, probably not needing a shot but I couldn't think of another way out of that awkwardness.

I'd got accustomed to the kitchen having a bathroom at the back and I gestured to Williamson to go in there... I pushed the door closed gently and kissed her, my hand cupping her jaw and my other resting on her waist- I needed her to know I wasn't about to hurt her or treat her as a rebound. 'Nothing changes' I said to her before waking back out.

All the girls were starting to fizzle out,
a couple crashed in the spare room knowing they'd never make it home in that state. Williamson had disappeared too but I figured she'd left with Scott seeing as they are besties.

I was lent against the wall in the kitchen trying to gather my stability from another drunken night and also making sure to get some water and juice. I headed up to my room, only to be greeted by Williamson, in... well nothing except a pair of what looked like my Calvin's

'Nothing changes' she smirked before closing the door behind me and pushing me onto the bed.

A/N I know I'm teasing it out but believe in the buildup.


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