Something like that

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All the girls were on top form tonight - I'd arrived at Sushisamba wearing an off white black T-shirt, cream combats and off white trainers, always got to match the top and trainers. I guess it's a signature McCabe look. Some of the girls were in dresses, some skirts and crop tops and some just smart casual.

It was always nice to get into our 'own clothes' as we called them as we practically lived in training kit.

Our photos looked a bit fancier tonight than our pre match photo did earlier in the day. We had a slightly private area to the side of the restaurant with booths so we split across two of them. Scott stood up and clinked her glass;

'Before celebrating the first win of the season girls, I want to say I'm so proud of this team, we missed out on the WSL title last year but this year feels different, we've got new signings we've got refreshed heads and some old guys like me to bring the experience - up THE Arsenal' - before she raised her glass and we all cheered her.

Scott leant over leah who had managed to put herself next to me:

Scott- 'Hey McCabe, you did great today, no first match nerves in sight'

'Thank you, I was actually bricking it, at least you couldn't tell' I laughed back to her.

Scott: 'Not at all, you owned that wing, keep doing that and we really will smash this season'

'With you as our captain I'm sure we will' I swelled back as the compliments from her were very unexpected but I was thrilled she thought I could amount to something at the club - consumed in my thoughts Leah's hand touched my leg and held my thigh - snapping me back into reality.

I looked at her, she looked at me and worst of all Scott clocked it and gave me a cheeky smile before continuing her conversation.

Leah: 'So where did you run off to after the match, I tried to find you so we could celebrate'

She looked... incredible tonight and she smelled even better;

'I, I just went to grab coffee' I said back hesitant

Leah: 'on your own' she laughed 'well that's a bit sad'

I sat silent I hadn't said I was alone, did I need to correct her, or did I just roll with it and let her assume I was alone.

'What you ordering then' choosing to ignore the previous interaction and deflecting, I knew full well I wasn't alone, but I also didn't know what to call Ru, she wasn't my girlfriend, was she my ex? Was she a friend I'd fallen in love with and got caught up in? - I don't know.

Leah pointed out what she was getting and leant in towards me - luckily the restaurant was loud so everyone around the table was having to get pretty close to hear conversations -

Leah: 'so I've chosen my main but I know what I'd like for dessert' - she winked at me.

I could feel her warm breath on the side of my face her hand still on my thigh and my stomach flipping upside down and inside out...

The food had arrived and the drinks were flowing everyone was in such a good mood - talking about the game and then the up coming season, this team was everything I could have wished for and more!

Some of the girls left to go onto another bar, some decided it was time to go home and being the newbie I figured I should head back and get some recovery in tomorrow, my first game in the WSL was intense and my muscles already ached.

I looked at Leah who was mid conversation with Scott trying to decide do I interrupt or do I let them finish. I ordered my uber and they seemed to trail off, their voices almost silent now so I jumped in:

'I'm gonna shoot but thanks for tonight Scott what you said meant a lot... Williamson' I said as I nodded at her and fist bumped Scott before getting up and going to leave.

'Wait up' - Leah shouted after me as she hugged Scott on her way;

'You not inviting me back?' She looked quizzically

I couldn't help but smile back at her, I hadn't expected her to leave but the fact she'd made the effort to catch up with me actually went a long way in my eyes.

'Sure...' I hesitated

'You don't have to - don't feel obliged' she laughed with a bit of sarcasm mixed in there

'No no, guess I can share my Uber with you' I laughed as the Uber pulled in - perfect timing. I couldn't help but open the door for her letting her get in ahead of me before I squeezed in next to her.

'Very chivalrous, guess you don't live up to the bad boy stereotype after all' - Leah laughed.

'I guess you could say I've got the best of both in me' I remarked back as we set on our way...

'You'll have the best of me in you soon' Leah whispered to me with lustful eyes...

I was speechless - for the first time I didn't have a quick comeback and I flushed red, wishing for the taxi to get us back as quickly as possible, I don't know what it was about her but something just pulled me in, everything became easy, there was no noise in my mind about what if or what could be, it felt so natural just being around her.

The keys were in the door and before I even had time to close it she walked over to the sofa, grabbing the bottle of wine I'd had a glass of before meeting the team earlier, she slowly dragged it across the coffee table and opened it, taking a little sip...

'that was quite possibly the sexiest thing I've ever seen you do' I said as I walked over to her, pushed her on the sofa and straddled her, cupping her face and kissing her slowly at first but speeding up, my hips rocking slightly over her waist.

The rest is... well... orgasmic.

We both finished panting and less clothed than we had started, our body's together and both a little tipsy we decided that building a blanket fort was the best idea and sleeping downstairs, who needed a bed anyway...

'I can hear your brain you know' Leah laughed looking at me snuggled in the crook of my arm on our blow up mattress and a mountain of blankets and pillows surrounding us...

I replied - 'It's just... so... simple with you' making sure she couldn't see how my eyes had filled up a little and I'd blushed...

'Same goes for you K' she paused before saying 'I guess you could argue it's painless, it's beautiful, it's me... possibly falling for you... or something like that'.

Leah and I both went silent as I continued to hold her in my arms before whispering back...

'I guess I feel something like that too...'

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