I'm in charge ;)

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*Mature Content*

Nothing did change from the night before, I fell asleep holding Leah and she had backed up into me... although tonight there was significantly more skin on skin cuddling than the night before.


Once Leah closed the door she locked it behind us, I didn't even know it had a lock in the first place.

After pushing me on the bed and sitting over my waist she looked at me for what felt like an eternity, tracing her tongue from my collar bone up my neck and biting my ear gently before whispering - 'if you're ready just nod, I'm in charge'

Her breath was so hot on my neck and ear that all I could do was place a hand either side of her face and nod - so obviously so she couldn't mistake it for anything else.

She pushed me up onto the bed properly using her shoulders to push my thighs out of the way so she was perfectly placed in between my legs - her hands were pinning my wrists down as she gently nibbled my thighs, kissing and sucking just to release enough moans that she knew I wanted her.

As she worked her way up my body my top came up and off and so did hers, her soft skin brushed over mine before kissing me, a kiss I had no intention of stopping as I wrapped my arms around her pulled her down and closer as I began to grind my hips against hers. She pulled away with a devilish look in her eye...

'Oh you think you're about to take control' she asks...

I kept quiet as she had told me to do before she leant back down to her skin pushing on mine - eyes focused on one another she questioned me 'tell me what you want K', her hand had worked down to my waistband, and as much as I wanted to make her work for it, I wanted her, every part of me wanted her...

'You' I replied as she slid down into my shorts, pretty easily I may add considering how worked up she'd got me, within minutes my body was hot and shaking. As I caught my breath she went back for round 2, 3, 4...

'Leah' I moaned with the last bit of energy I had left —
She glanced up at me before kissing me softly, I wanted to return the favour I really did, I pushed her away from me before adjusting her seated position, I was able to do my thing, rocking her hips back and forward as she rode my face, eventually she seemed to rely on the wall more to support her and I let her ride her high before helping her into my arms - she kissed me and smiled 'you taste like me'...

'Strange that, I wonder why' I said with a smirk.

We'd both had much more pleasure than either of us had planned for the night - I wasn't questioning it at this point I'd known her 48 hours... okay a few years but properly 48 hours, if it was casual then so be it.

**** back to now ****

Leah wiggled a little as I placed a kiss on her forehead, her face lifted a little before looking down to see both of us - had very little on...

I pulled some clothes on and went down to make coffee for us and the girls. When I delivered it back to Leah she was still snuggled in my bed.

'Good Morning you' I placed the coffee in her hand 'how's your head?' I smiled.

She responded very quickly 'you know how my head is' she winked at me... before following up with 'I don't know what you're doing to me K, but I'm not complaining...'

One in... ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now