Chapter Two

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Weeks have gone by, Syzoth and Leixia have been seeing eachother more frequently.

They've been out on friendly little dates, Leixia paid for everything. Why? Well, she was young, naïve, and in love.

Those two were in love, they just went out as friends for the time being.

"Thank you again for a lovely night out, Leixia."

Syzoth said, smiling. It was the first time he'd smiled in ages, she truly made him feel something.

"No need to thank me, Syzoth. It is I who should thank you for even agreeing to go out with me."

Leixia said, holding his hand.

"Besides, your smile is calming. You should smile more, Syzoth. You look handsome when you do."

She said, playfully using her fingers to push a smile on his face.

"Stop that, Leixia. I know I'm not the best looking man in Outworld, no need for compliments..."

His cheeks were heating up— which was odd, considering he is reptilian.

"Why do you always look down on yourself, Syzoth? You never seem to have confidence in yourself."

Leixia said with a scolding tone. She believed that everyone is beautiful in their own way, she sees good in those who do evil. She was an overall positive person; a trait at least everyone should have at least once.

"I... don't know, Leixia. My mutation has caused me great insecurities, I don't see myself on the same level as someone like you."

Syzoth replied, taking both of Leixia's hands and looking at her.

"I used to have childhood bullies, they're the reason why I learned how to fight. I've been shunned from my family due to my mutation. I don't think I'm worthy enough to even speak to you."

He said, revealing his insecurities.

"Well, Syzoth."

Leixia smiled, looking at his face in the moonlight.

"I think you're on the same level as me. You're not below me, not above me, just on the same level. You're destined for greater things, you'll find that out soon. You never know, you could end up working for the Royal Palace."

She said, her words comforting him.

"I don't think being a carnival act is for you. You said you could fight, right? Why not join Outworld's tournaments? They pay even if you lose, not saying that you will."

She chuckled.

"Leixia, I don't think they'll let a Zaterran in."

Syzoth said, his voice laced with insecurity. Leixia then squeezed his hands.

"See, you're doubting yourself again. My ancestors were poverty-stricken tomato farmers and they managed to make it to the semi-finals. It's not about skill, it's about perseverance, your drive to fight."

Leixia said, looking into his eyes.

"I suppose you're right, Leixia. I'll give it a try soon, I promise."

Little did he know that he'd never get to do it.

"You're a great woman, Leixia. You're always so... positive. How do you do it?"

Syzoth asked, looking into her eyes as well.

"I just try to see the good in things, Syzoth. Look for that silver lining, there's always one in unfortunate situations."

Leixia replied, inching just a bit closer.

"I've never looked at it that way."

Syzoth said, smiling slightly.

"Your bracelet, does it hold any significance? I'm just curious, my lady."

He asked, clearly intrigued by how she never took it off.

"Well, it was given to me by my mother. I didn't really care for it at first, since my mother was... not the best, I'll just say that."

Leixia chuckled, though, it was out of her being nervous.

"She was... disrespectful to her children, and especially to our father. It felt like she just married him for his money, not because he's a great person. It got worse when my brother Xiao was born."

She sighed. She was clearly not a fan of her mother.

"If anything, I'm glad she's out of our lives now. Though, no child should hate their parent. Parents are the reason why we exist."

She tilted her head before thinking about it again.

"Well, no. A child has the right to hate a horrible, hurtful, and abusive parent."

She chuckled.

"Well, I suppose you're right, Leixia. You're so insightful, it's calming."

Syzoth said, inching closer to her as well.

"Have you ever been in love, Syzoth?"

Leixia asked, smiling at him.

"Yes, Leixia. I'm in love right now."

Syzoth responded, going in for the kiss.

They were kissing under Tajan's gorgeous moonlight, forgetting their problems and just enjoying their company.

Syzoth wanted to marry her, that's for sure.

When they pulled away, they just stared at eachother. They were smitten with one another, that's for sure.

They silently sat under a tree, their hands still intertwined.

"Hey, Syzoth."

Leixia spoke up first, looking into his eyes.

"Yes, Leixia?"

Syzoth responded, smiling as he looked at her.

"Do you... want to be a suitor?"

Leixia asked, as she thought that she had finally found the right man for her.

"I would love to."

Syzoth responded quickly, his heart felt like it was gonna burst.

The two then shared another passionate kiss.

"Promise me something, Syzoth."

Leixia said, smiling at him.

"Do you promise to love me, and only me?"

She asked.

"I promise."

Syzoth responded.

"Do you promise to only start a family with me?"

She asked again.

"I promise."

That came out quicker than expected. He hadn't even thought about marriage, let alone a family.

"Then I promise the same to you. I will only love you, and I will only start a family with you."

Was said by Leixia as they leaned on one another.

They watched the moonlight as Leixia knew it was time to go.

"I have to go, Syzoth."

Leixia said, feeling sad that she had to leave.

"Do you really have to, Leixia?"

Syzoth asked, clearly sad about her going back to her home.

"I have to, Syzoth. But don't worry, as soon as the sun rises, I'll come and visit you."

Leixia smiled, giving Syzoth another kiss.

She walked off slowly, disappearing into the moonlight.

"I love you, Leixia. And I always will."

Syzoth muttered under his breath, getting ready to get up and go home as well.

"The Promise."

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