Chapter 10

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Haliya Monroe

As outstanding it is to be a woman, with privileges, with fame, and money. Being me is not as easy as it looks like.

One day, I woke up feeling ecstatic and being a teenager felt like I ran the world.

I used to have everything. I party. A lot. Boys, bars, drinks, I am a free spirit. College came, and I thought everything would go to my liking.

With or without my name, I am Haliya and I get everything I want.

I set my mind into something, I succeed in getting it.

It was all fun and games.

Not until I ran into some high schooler and kissed me without hesitation.

Later that night, I recognized her as the child of Acero. One of the families that made Oro City today. Together with the big names in this city. Lascivus, Rondall, and Gracel. There were a lot of families involved in making the city as rich as Makati.

But you know, out of all the families and big ass industries in the city, they outstand all of us. Well, you get the point.

So yeah, that Acero kid came crashing on the doorstep of my life.

Right after that kiss, it felt like fate had a fancy way to knock some karma and it made me met Yoj Acero, more than I can count with my fingers.

To add salt in the wound, she even confessed that she was into me.

It was not a secret to her friends, in fact she's proud of it. I bet if someone would grant her a wish, she would not hesitate to wish for me.

I mean, who wouldn't? I couldn't blame her for that.

What weirded me out is why she is head over heels for me?

"Haliya, have you seen what your beloved student prepped for their booth?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts because of Abbi.


"You should see what she prepared."

"I'll pass." She just chuckled at my answer.

"Okay, but they're handling the booth well. Lining up just to have a photo op with Yoj."

Napaangat ang kilay ko sa sinabi niya.


"Just saying, since your date is eye-catching."

"It was just one night."

"One night could change it all."


"Ano ba talaga Abbi? You just talked to her saying she should stop pursuing me. And now you're pushing me to her."

"I'm just saying, make up your damn mind. You're not the Haliya before, you said so yourself."

"That Haliya was gone, because of the damn freedom that was taken from me."

"It's the same thing. You've changed. So please, may masasaktan at masasaktan ka rin naman, h'wag mo nang patagalin."

"What's it to you?" I challenged her.

"It's not up to me nor I will gain something from it. I'm only looking out for you."

Natahimik ako. I seem to be on edge nowadays.

"Sorry Abbi. You're my best friend and you have the right to reprimand me for this."

"Not quite. The decision is yours alone. Own up to it, and stand firm."

Napatayo ako, at niyakap siya.

Yoj AceroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon