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The spring season on the mobius, had been rather...eventful, with the loud noisy nights from the weremobians, to the hypnotic noisy mornings from the mermobians.

As well as some unlucky Mermobians that had lost their lives during the aggressive mating ritual from the females...that had been discovered on the sandy shores of the beaches.

Though the spring air was still fresh in nature, at least those natural phenomenons had passed, once the start of the summer season, had begun.

Shadow's ear twitches slightly, at the sound of someone vomiting...groaning slightly he eyes fluttered opened, the spot next to him was empty, and the light was on in the restroom. Getting out of bed and slipping some pants on, he made his way over to the restroom, opening the door.

Sonic was slumped over the toilet, just vomiting up...whatever was upsetting his stomach, though since his was undead...that stuff just so happened to be black and putrid.

Shadow ignoring the thing that was sink counter went over to comfort his husband...by rubbing his back.

Sonic's body trembles after he had finished emptying out his stomach containments, and he swallowed down whatever remaining fluid that refused to come out of his throat.

"Are you alright My Love?" Shadow asked, though before he could get answer he finally noticed the positive pregnancy test. "Sonic I..."

Sonic only flinches, as he just pulls himself back over to the toilet bowl...to finish emptying out his stomach's toxic contentments.

Shadow had to save his excitement, for later...as he just stayed with by his husband's side, when one of the servant came to check up on the noise, the Non-Mobian had them get some gingerail.

About the time that servant had came back with what Shadow had requested, Sonic was finally well enough to actually step away from the restroom and toilet. He was just sitting on the bed.

"Here you go your Majesty, I also brought some medication." The Servant said.

Shadow thanked the Servant as he took the pill bottle and the can of soda, with a bow the servant took their leave.

"Thank you Shadow...I just, didn't think the morning sickness...would be this bad." Sonic admitted as he took the soda can from his husband, and started to drink it down...after putting the two pills into his mouth.

"I'm just glad that this is actually possible...since you know." Shadow admits as he was on his knees to be at his husband's level. His ears only tilted back with what he just said. "I didn't mean it like that...cause I love you no matter what."

"No I understand what you meant, I'm a little shocked too." Sonic admitted as he just placed the can of soda down, on the nightstand. Shadow only presses his ear to his lover's chest...but sadly there was nothing, his body was still freezing as well. "I might have to have Miles, run some tests."

Sonic only hums, "Can we get food first?"

"Are you sure? I don't want you wasting your meal...none that your appetite had returned to normal." Shadow said.

"Mhm, I can stomach it."

Shadow only shrugged his shoulders, after all he wasn't gonna deny his husband, when he was hungry as soon as got up to his paws.


"Yes my Love?"

Sonic held up his arms, as if he wanted his carried to the dining hall...Shadow only chuckles to the Mobian's childish behavior, but he obliges by scooping up the mobian into his arms, giving him a soft quick kiss on his lips.

The Mobian's tendrils opened the door for the Non-Mobian, before wrapping themselves around his arms.

Shadow carried his lover into the castle corridors, closing the Master Quarters behind him.

☦︎ ☦︎ ☦︎

Eclipse had word from one of the servants that his Brother and the Queen, were the laboratory that was attached to the castle.

He was kind of confused as to why they went there as well as wanted to see him...before the memories of him having intercourse with the queen started to flood his mind. Of course it wasn't as much as his brother would have be interment with the Mobian, since he respected that mobian was his brother's husband, but he was still his mate nonetheless.

He started to make his way through the castle corridors to get to the side door that had the Twin-Tailed Fox's emblem on it.

Upon opening the door, he was mostly greeted with smell of floral flowers, and chemicals, nothing unusual for a lab that belonged to a mad scientist. Following the sound of voices he made his way to a rather scary looking operation room, with tools that looked to be used mainly for torture.


The aliens attention was turned to the Mobian that was sitting on the metal operating table, with his brother standing right beside him, he only made his way over to the two. "What's going on?"

"Getting a check up...what else?" Shadow responded rather coldly. Before he was smacked hard in his chest from his husband...it was weak, but enough to tell him to be nice to his brother.

Eclipse only glared at Shadow...it wasn't his fault that he didn't know what a Doctor was, since his species didn't really have one...there wasn't a lot of things that could kill them, besides their own weapons, and G.U.N modified weaponry, that can harness the energy of chaos.

Miles stepped into the room, with his folder about his Specimen he had written down the so call results that he did for the Mobian, when the two arrived and he was rather amazed by the outcome. "I have to say...Specimen One-Nineteen, you always seem to surprise me." The mad fox said, ignoring the glares that he was getting from Shadow and Eclipse for calling Sonic, his test subject than by his name.

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.

"What I mean, is that your body simply adapted...yes you make be consider as Dead, cause you don't have a heartbeat and a pulse, but with the Black Magic that I used on you...you body has been adapting over the months, thus allowing you get reproduce as if you body is alive." Miles explained. "This is fascinating stuff! Something that goes beyond Scientific Knowledge, and-" he only clears his throat before he started on his insane rant about something that wasn't related to the matter at hand.

"Yes, but is the child healthy?" Shadow growled.

"Child? Oh right, it's actually Children...it's to early to tell who the child is who's, but there is two fetuses, and yes they both are healthy and thriving." Miles responded, there was a slight twitch from the fox's ears when he didn't get a responses from his answer, a sigh only escapes his lips as he only walks to the side door that was in the room.

When the door was closed, the two males that were standing on either side of the Mobian wrapped there arms around him.

"Sonic this is amazing news!" Shadow said, as he just gives his husband a soft nuzzle.

"I...I don't know what to say...I thought it would be impossible, cause of my body temperature, and the lack of blood that is flowing through my body." Sonic said as he only sniffs he only buries his face into the two as tears started to fall from his eyes.

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