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The five remaining months went by rather smoothly, though not without incidents of course. The citizens that still had a murderous hatred towards the Queen, had in someway managed to get into castle.

Lucky no one was killed, but the Non-Mobian had harmed the Queen when he was resting, since his body made it so that he didn't feel pain, he hadn't really noticed that he had been injured, about the time that he did the citizen had already be killed by his tendrils.

It was this attack that cause the King, show his true colors towards his citizens...though his threat wasn't sincere, but his intimidating demeanor, and piercing crimson gaze was enough for the citizens to accept this affair as being planned...which it was from the start, as well as the Queen having to having lovers instead of just that Non-Mobian King.

Which was also later revealed, the very next day...when the commotion had finally settled down, though some the citizens didn't really appreciate the news about the polyamorous marriage being in charge of the first settlement, but afraid of the consequences for going against the King's wishes they stayed silent.

Sonic was laying in the nest, with a towel covering his abdomen...the delivery was stress free, and painless...he is after all a living corpse...so when time came he didn't realize it until he felt the first contraction.

The female hoglet, who was pure black, with quills similar to Shadow's with extra quills on the bottom that also curl outwards, side quills, and long bangs, lavender stripes on her quills and same color lavender bangs, a peach muzzle, underbelly, and arms with a white patch of fur on her chest, and bright emerald eyes...sadly she was entirely mobian, all of her test came out as a negative for that extra chromosome that most Non-Mobians have.

The male halfling, had the appearance of a hedgehog mobian...but with some dark gray scale patches on his elbows, neck, around his face, and back, hedgehog like back spikes, as well as some reptile like spikes tracing down his spine starting at his lower back down to his long reptile like tail, his head quills were similar to Sonic's, just with some side quills, his pelt was dark bluish black color with dark purple stripes, with bangs coming out of the stripe that was on his forehead, a dark tan muzzle, and underbelly, his eyes were dark a crimson red, he had retractable claws on his hands and paws.

After they had been cleaned by the midwife, they wrapped up in their respective blankets, before being reunited with their mother.

"Sonic...they are beautiful~" Shadow said as he took his daughter in his arms, he had a bit of tears in his eyes...finally being able to hold his child, he didn't seem to care that she didn't have that extra chromosome...since he was gonna love her no matter she looked like, after all there was no point in hold onto that hatred, that and she was created by his and lover's genes. The hoglet only whimpers before squeaking when it was given soft kisses onto her forehead.

Eclipse had been silent when he was given his son to hold...he could hardly even contain his joy, and tears of pure happiness...since he met Sonic, he had always been fascinated with the Mobian, but it was more out of pure curiosity, until it grew into the emotion called love, and happiness, and looking at his newborn son...he felt that same feeling. "Your s-so tiny..." he said to the halfling.

The halfling hedgehog ears, only tilted back as he started to whimper...before squeaking when he was nuzzled into.

Sonic didn't really need to rest...but a smile formed on his muzzle as he watched the two care for their children. Before Shadow lean into to give his husband a kiss on the lips, "You did amazing" he said

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