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                                                              (Timeskip) - A few months had passed you were still heartbroken but trying to keep moving and find somewhere safe, you knew that was all your mom wanted.

* You were walking down a neighborhood in some sort of town it seemed safe enough there were no signs of infected or anyone for that matter. you looked at the clouds and the sun disappearing behind them, your eyes scanned and narrowed the street you were walking down everything around you was rusted and overgrown. Road signs where the words weren't even readable anymore the grass that could reach your shins and the cracked concrete. everything was silent you could only make out your heavy breaths from the heat but you couldn't help but get the eerie sense someone was following you. You brushed it off and kept walking until you heard the sound of rubble being walked over behind you, your head snapped around as your gaze met a brunnette girl with a bow & arrow with an older man he was about his fiftes and well built.

Y\N: " I who are-" *The girl cut you off giving you a cold glare* 

??: "Who we are dosent concern you! what we can do should, so start with your name"

Y\N: "I- my names Y\N"

??: "Okay Y\N why are you here... what exactly are you doing looking for someone?"

Y\N: "Not exactly just trying to survive and find a community... a home" 

                       *You whisper under your breath looking at the ground"

??: "A community huh?" 

*She says with a stern tone not really seeming to believe you*

2?: "Look maybe we could help you"

*The man adds in*

Y\N-"I dont know its not exactly the easiest to trust anyone with the world like this"

*You say sounding unsure on what to do and if you should trust them or not*

??:"Well are you infected have you been scratched or bitten?" 

*She asks with a firm tone waiting on confirmation*

Y\N-"If i was bitten or scratched do you really think id be standing here talking?!?"

??: "Well you could be doing it out of spite!"

*She says her tone starting to get louder in defence*

Y\N- "Look I wouldnt be standing around waiting on myself to pounce on you I dont even know you guys"

2?: "Lets try this again I am Joel this is Ellie."

*He says with a friendly but still cautious tone before continuing* 

Joel: We have a community not to far from here we could take you back but you will need a bite check its just procedure."

Ellie: "Why the hell would you tell her that!"

*She whispers under her breath elbowing him*

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