Good or not...

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                                                             TIMESKIP- ( A few hours pass and your following Joel and Ellie                                                                                             back to their community.)

Ellie: "So when we get to Jackson you have to get checked for any signs of infection."

Y\N: "Yeah i get that i guess but you still have the chance of them turning me away."

Ellie: "Look Y\N they are good people they have good judge of character they know."

*she says trying to reassure you but she also had a bit of uncertainty in her voice*

Y\N: "I just don't want them to judge me wrong y'know"

Ellie: "I get it we felt that way too"

*A short moment of silence fill the air only the sounds of your footsteps*

Y\N: "So he your dad or something?"

*You say pointing to Joel and looking back at Ellie*

Ellie: "Uh no he- he is just someone he looked after me that's all"

*Her voice had an awkward and seemingly uneasy tone*

*The rest of the walk was silent you finally approached the gates of jackson*

Joel: "Here we are."

*He says followed by a sigh you were guessing it was just from exhaustion*

Guard: "Who's your friend Joel?"

*He sounded more annoyed than just asking the question*

Joel: "Look we are going to talk to Maria about letting her stay here"

Guard: "Yeah i don't think Maria is going to buy your games she could be with the W.L.F!"

Y|N: "The W.L.F?"

*You ask sounding utterly confused but worried too*

Ellie: "Just some stupid community we have been having issues with"

Y\N: "Issues?"

*You ask sounding confused but also curious*

Ellie: "It dosent matter!"

*she snapped a bit but you thought she was just stressed over something*

Y\N: "Look im not trying to pry i just want to know what im getting myself into"

Joel: "See she dosent have a clue who or what they are!"

Guard: "She could have been sent by them and told to say that!"

Y\N: "Look could someone just tell me what im getting myself into and who are the W.L.F?!?"

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