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"Well, well, well,"  I said, shaking my head.  "Look who's actually resting."  

"Help me,"  Nico said, trying to dodge the food Will was attempting to force down his throat.  "I'm being held captive."  

"You can just shadow-travel,"  I reminded him, standing at the foot of his cot in the Infirmary.  

"If he tries, I just spray him,"  Will interrupted, holding up a spray bottle.  "What?  It works.  He 's as moody as ever, but he stays to plot his revenge on me.  Whatever works.  EAT!"  

I stifled a laugh.  "I can probably get him to eat something.  He listens to me-sometimes, at least."  

Will sighed and stood op, handing me the soup he'd been fighting Nico with before storming off to check on other patients.  Nico crossed his arms and gave me his best intimidating look.  I rolled my eyes and brought out a McDonald's Happy Meal out from my bag.  

"Eat,"  I said, plopping it into his lap with no explanation.  

He looked at me for a second before tearing into to it.  I smirked and sat next to him, pulling out my own Happy Meal.  As usual, he stole a bunch of my fries, claiming they tasted better.  He tried to steal my chicken nuggets, but I smacked him.  

We heard Will's footsteps coming back and Nico quickly shoved the food under the cot, and I took a position on the floor to make sure it couldn't be seen.  Then I quickly stood and poured the soup out the window and put the bowl back on the table before sitting down again.  

Will came over and looked at us suspiciously.  "What are you two doing?"  He demanded.  

"I was about to show Nico a sketch I. . . sketched,"  I said, pulling out the sketchpad I had in my bag.  

"You draw?"  He questioned.  

"Not well,"  I told him.  "I just like seeing Nico try and struggle to figure out what's what."  

Will, giving one final suspicious look, finally left.  I pulled the Happy Meals out from under the bed, and we ate what was left, then I showed Nico my attempted sketch of Thalia's Pine Tree.  It took him a couple tries to get it right, and he criticized it endlessly until I threatened to leave.  

My eyes wandered to the cot where Asaka was still unconscious, though she looked bigger, maybe ten.  She stirred every now and then, but not too much of an improvement.  It didn't make sense, she should be awake by now, shouldn't she?  The Romans and Greeks were at peace now.  She should be strong enough to be at full power.  

"Ow,"  I muttered, clutching my gut and looking regretfully at my cup of Oreo frappe I'd gotten from McDonalds.  "Too much caffeine."  

"Need a doctor?"  Nico suggested, watching me try to find a comfortable position.  "I'm sure there's one around here who would love to put you on bed rest or something.  Solace!"  

"Shut it, Neeks!"  I muttered.  

I made the mistake of standing and with a helpful shove from Nico, fell to the floor, hitting the wall and other cot along the way.  Not only did it make my stomach worse, now everything was aching.  Will came running at the sound, concerned and eager at us calling him.  

"Doctor,"  Nico said in a disapproving voice.  "I think her everything hurts."  


(Time skip: Leo's back but Trials of Apollo doesn't exist in this fanfic, Estelle is born

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