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The afternoon light casts long shadows through the venetian blinds of Yunho's pristine dental office. The usual symphony of whirring drills and anxious sighs is muted today, replaced by a tense silence that hangs heavy in the air. In the dentist's chair, a young woman named Nari, grips the armrests, her knuckles white. Her eyes dart around the room, fear flickering in their depths.

"Relax, Nari," Yunho soothes, his voice as smooth as the silk tie that complements his crisp white laboratory coat. His smile, usually charming enough to dismantle any ounce of anxiety, holds a hint of something colder today.

"This is just a routine filling." He reassures.

Nari forces a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Routine, right," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "Just like the last two... and the one before that."

Yunho's smile falters for a fraction of a second, a flicker of surprise crossing his handsome features. He recovers quickly. "Nari, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," he comforts, yet the sincerity in his voice couldn't mask the hollowness of his lies. "Trust me."

Nari swallows hard, the metallic tang of fear thick on her tongue. Yunho's gaze lingers on her for a beat too long, his touch brushing hers as he adjusts the overhead lamp. A shiver runs down her spine, a chilling realisation dawning on her.

The "accidents" plaguing the clinic lately—the sudden heart attacks during routine procedures, the unexplained allergic reactions—aren't accidents at all.

"You..." she chokes out, the realisation robbing her of breath.

Yunho's smile returns, but this time it held a predatory edge. "Don't worry, Nari," he says, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper. "This will all be over soon. You'll become just like the others."

Nari's scream dies in her throat as a wave of dizziness washes over her. The last thing she sees is Yunho's face looming over her blurred vision, his charming facade melting away to reveal the monster beneath.

A/N: What do you guys think so far ?! I'm sooo excited to plan this whole story out eeek!!

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