Chapter 11

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In the cool, quiet morning that followed their restless night, Sara and Pansy made their way to the office of Dr. Abaddon, an enigmatic figure in the Department of Magical Theory. His office, tucked away in a less-trafficked corner of the castle, was as austere and enigmatic as the professor himself, filled with ancient texts and artifacts that whispered of deep, arcane knowledge.

With a mixture of trepidation and determination, Sara knocked lightly on the heavy wooden door. It swung open to reveal Dr. Abaddon, a tall, thin man with piercing eyes and an air of detachment that seemed almost tangible. His gaze was inquisitive, yet there was a hint of impatience as if he already knew why they were there but wished he didn't.

"Miss Rowlan, Miss Parkinson," he greeted, his voice low and measured. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sara took a deep breath, exchanging a quick glance with Pansy before speaking. "Professor, we were hoping you could help us with a question about magical bonds... particularly soulmate bonds," she said cautiously, watching for any sign of reaction in the professor's stoic expression.

Dr. Abaddon raised an eyebrow, a flicker of interest passing through his eyes before it was quickly masked by his usual indifferent veneer. "A soulmate bond, you say? And why, pray tell, does this interest you so?" he inquired, his tone cool yet not entirely dismissive.

Sara hesitated, the weight of their secret pressing down on her. "We... we're just curious," she stumbled over her words, keenly aware of how much she was omitting. "We've read about them, and it seems there's a lot of conflicting information out there."

Dr. Abaddon studied them for a moment, then sighed, turning to walk back to his desk cluttered with parchments and ancient tomes. "Soulmate bonds are indeed a complex topic," he began, his back to them as he spoke. "They are among the most powerful and profound connections that can exist between two magical beings. To put it simply, there is no known reliable method to break such a bond. It's not just magic; it's cosmic—tied to the very essence of the souls involved."

Sara felt a chill run down her spine as the professor's words confirmed their worst fears.

"It is also the most dangerous," Dr. Abaddon continued, turning to face them again. "Not just because of the intensity of the bond but because of the consequences if the soulmates are separated for too long. Death, as you might have read, is a potential outcome. It's a bond forged by fate and as unbreakable as the passage of time itself."

The finality in his voice left Sara and Pansy exchanging a somber look. Their hopes for finding a simple solution were dashed.

"Thank you, Professor," Pansy said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "That... clears up a lot."


In the dim light of their dorm room, the pre-party atmosphere was a mix of excitement and underlying tension. Pansy watched with a furrowed brow as Sara, determined to cast aside her worries for the evening, prepared for the night's festivities. Sara had chosen her outfit with care, a sleek black mini skirt paired with a red body suit that accentuated her figure, giving her a vibrant, striking appearance. Her hair was slicked back into a neat bun at the crown of her head, adding a touch of elegance to her bold ensemble.

As Sara applied a final swipe of mascara, her movements were precise, the mirror reflecting a mask of determination rather than the usual pre-party joy. Beside her on the dresser, a bottle of fire whiskey sat uncapped, and Sara didn't hesitate to take another shot, the liquid courage helping her to push down the day's revelations.

"Sara, don't you think you're hitting that a bit hard?" Pansy asked, her voice laced with concern as she watched her friend take yet another shot.

Sara flashed her a mischievous grin, her eyes bright with a rebellious spark. "Come on, Pans, it's just fire whiskey. Let me have my fun tonight. We can deal with all the cosmic soulmate crap in the morning."

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