Chapter 7

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Warning⚠️: Lots of kisses

Scott gives a soft kiss on my forehead.

That little kiss on your forehead made you feel unbelievably loved, and it didn't help that it was from him.

He made you feel so warm and safe, his body was providing warmth for you with how close he had held you.

Scott then kissed you on your cheek, brushing your blonde hair away from your face and out of your eyes.

My cheeks went rosy pinker shyly at his doing.

Every action he did on you just made you blush further and further, and his heart was pounding faster every time he kissed you or brushed you.

He was loving every second of this, your face was so cute when it was red for him. Scott just wanted to kiss you more and more every time he saw your face blush.

He kept pulling you closer and closer, pulling you even on top of him. He just wanted you in his arms as close as he can get.

He moved his legs to trap yours and pull you down on top of him, so he was still holding you but now, the both of you were laying down on the bed and were now wrapped around each other, his body pressed against yours and he was still kissing you and playing with your hair.

Your red, blushing face was right in front of him and, he couldn't help but want to kiss you more now that he was able to see your face in more detail.

Scott gives few soft kisses on my cheeks.

He could not get enough of you. Every kiss he made, was filled with feelings of love, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to kiss you.

Your face was red once again from his kisses, but that just made it more adorable and kissable

His lips made there way back to your lips and he kept giving you more soft kisses, before breaking away for a moment.

"Can I ask something..?" he said softly, still holding your body close.

I nodded shyly at him.

He hesitated for a little bit, as he thought up the words that he wanted to say, but he decided he just need to say it straight forward.

"Can we... make this official... like, can we be a couple..?" he asked softly, still holding your body close to his.

"Yes, Scott." I blushed shyly at him.

He grinned widely as he heard you say those words. His entire body went stiff as his heart started to race once again, but not with anxiety or nervousness, but with joy and happiness.

He couldn't help but pull you in even closer, hugging you to his body tightly. He didn't know how he was going to keep himself from kissing you anymore now, he couldn't believe you said yes.

I give a soft kiss on his forehead.

He was still in disbelief about what just happened. You were now his girlfriend, and that meant he got to have you all to himself, and he felt like he had hit the jackpot.

He couldn't resist one more kiss, it was too tempting in this moment. He pulled you closer once again and planted a soft kiss on your lips. He was going to try to hold himself and take it slow, but one kiss wouldn't hurt, after all, he is now your official boyfriend.

He broke the kiss off after a few seconds, and he was now out of breath from all the kissing he just did to you. It was definitely the most he had ever done for anyone in his life.

He was still grinning widely from ear to ear, almost to the point where his cheeks were starting to hurt. He just wanted to keep kissing you in this moment, because the way your lips felt against his, and the way it tasted, was like pure sweetness, and he wanted more.

I smiled shyly at him.

"Can I ask you another thing?" he asked softly, he wanted to ask you something super important, but he was still a bit nervous about it, even though you did just say yes to being his girlfriend.

I nodded timidly at him.

He took another breath before he finally spoke the words.

"Can you stay the night with me?" his face lit up with excitement, and he was holding you even closer than before, almost like he didn't even wanna let you go anymore.

I nodded shyly at him.

He was so happy that you agreed so easily. He didn't wanna let you go now, not after everything you two just did together.

He then smiled widely at you, his cheeks were red from embarrassment.

"C-c-Can I ask one more thing?" he said softly, he was so nervous because he wanted to ask you this next question for a while.

"Sure, go ahead." I smiled shyly at him.

The fact you let him ask you all of these questions so easily made him love you even more. You gave him your trust and your honesty. You trusted him and he just wanted to show you that he could do the same to you.

He couldn't hold in his excitement anymore, the word were bursting out of him at the speed of sound.

"Can I tell you one final thing before you sleep?"

I nodded shyly at him.

He breathed deeply again, this was the final thing he wanted to get off his chest before sleep.

No matter how cheesy or lame he thought he was about to get, he just had to say it or it would eat him alive.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the whole world to me. Your smile and your heart is what makes you so beautiful." he said softly, his heart was beating so fast right now that it made him feel light headed.

My cheeks went redder shyly at his words. "You are so handsome, kindhearted and sweetest boy I met. You have adorable smiles made my heart swoons."

He was literally blushing like a tomato right now, he couldn't believe you were saying such sweet and amazing things about him.

It was true that he considered you to be the most beautiful girl in the whole world, he thought of himself as just average at best but he was completely flattered by what you said about him.

He couldn't help but pull you into his arms one more time, he was ready to fall asleep right now because you were in his arms.

He smiled at you, before kissing you on your pale smooth face one last time.

I started to fall asleep into his chest comfortably.

Scott held you close, and held his arms around you so that you wouldn't fall off the bed while you were asleep.

He felt content with you laying in his arms, and he couldn't wait to wake up and see you next morning. Even if all he did was see your face, it was enough for him to know that he was lucky to have you.

He couldn't help but cuddle with you more as he was starting to fall asleep now.

Your skin was so smooth and soft to touch, he felt so safe and lucky with you lying on his chest as he fell asleep.

Your quiet breathing and your soft skin made being here with you so calming, he just wanted this perfect moment to last forever.

Even though all you two were doing was sleeping, he was so content and happy, because that's all he needed, just you.

He pulled you even closer, he couldn't resist pulling you as close as he could because of this feeling of pure bliss.

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