Chapter 4 the Unexpected

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Later that night Izuku and Katsuki were sitting at the dinner table for dinner, Izuku wasn't eating meanwhile Katsuki was eating out of pure anger because he was pissed that he lost to Izuku and got first place in the Sports Festival. Mitsuki and Masaru just sat there eating as they watched the two of them not say anything, Izuku not eating dinner was a normal thing for them because they never wanted to force him to eat but only forced him to eat when he needed to eat. Mitsuki then decided to break the silence.

Mitsuki: So how was the Sports Festival today boys?

Izuku: It was fine

Katsuki: Horrible

Mitsuki: And why do you say that Katsuki?

Katsuki: No reason

Izuku: Because I beat his ass and got First Place

Mitsuki: Izuku Language

Izuku: Fine

Mitsuki: Well if anything you were hella cocky all day during the Sports Festival from what me and Masaru saw on the TV, Your lucky you were put to sleep or you could have killed Katsuki

Izuku: But I didn't

Mitsuki: I know but you could have killed him

Izuku: But I didn't and even if I did then atleast my life wouldn't be a living hell

Mitsuki: Izuku Midoriya!

Izuku: No, if you cared about me one bit then you would tell me who my real mother is

Mitsuki: I am your Mother and Masaru is your Father

Izuku: Nice trick, but that's a lie. I have green hair meanwhile you and Pomeranian boy have Blonde hair

Mitsuki: Okay fine I'm not your Mother and Masaru is not your father

Izuku: Then who is my Real mother and father

Mitsuki: Listen, Me and Masaru were sitting on the couch taking care of a few weeks old Katsuki Bakugo when we heard a knock at the door. When Masaru answered he found a baby in a basket with a note saying how your mother couldn't take care of you and how you were a mistake, So we decided to raise you like our own. The question to who your mother and father is something I don't know but one day you will hopefully find out

Izuku stayed quiet as he processed what Mitsuki told him, he then stood up and walked to his room that him and Katsuki had to share but luckily had his own bed and so did Katsuki. After a few minutes Izuku heard Katsuki walk into the room and lay down on his bed as Izuku stayed quiet and lay down on his own bed as well. Izuku and Katsuki didn't get along too well but use to when they both were just little kids until he started pushing him away, Izuku and Katsuki then heard the room door open and Mitsuki walk in.

Mitsuki: Izuku there's someone here who would like to talk to you

Izuku: Who is it?

Mitsuki: Come see for yourself

Katsuki: You sure it isn't my girlfriend?

Mitsuki: You have a girlfriend?

Katsuki: Yeah I do!

Mitsuki: Well then who is it?

Izuku: Cami Utishima

Katsuki: Dammit it Deku! I thought we agreed on not telling her!!

Izuku: Sorry but she paid me $200 to tell her

Mitsuki: I did

Katsuki: Dammit!

Mitsuki: Katsuki I swear if this Girl is anywhere near like a hooker or a dirty girl then I will personally ground you for life

Katsuki: She's not Mom, she just goes to a different Hero school

Mitsuki: Okay just making sure, now Izuku come see who it is

Izuku then walked out of the bedroom downstairs as he saw a woman standing in normal clothes wearing heels as he stared at her, He knew she looked familiar but couldn't quite figure out why. Izuku then figured it out right away.

Izuku: Midnight?

Nemuri: actually it's Nemuri when I'm off Hero duty

Izuku: Ah I see, well what are you doing here late at night?

Nemuri: Well I know this will sound crazy but I'm actually your Mother

Izuku stood there shocked, he couldn't believe that this was his actual mother. The woman that left him on the Bakugo's doorstep when he was only just a baby, Izuku just stood there as he didn't know what to say. Nemuri then broke the silence.

Nemuri: I'm sorry I left you on the doorstep when you were just a baby but you have to understand that I was only maybe 17 or 18 but that was because I was focusing on my career as a Pro so I couldn't keep leaving you Home alone, So that's when I decided to give you a better home

Izuku stood there hearing every word Nemuri was saying, he couldn't believe that Nemuri his real mother was actually standing infront of him this whole time when he started UA. Izuku then finally got the courage and spoke up as he tried to keep calm.

Izuku: Sorry? Is that all you have to say....You left me on a random doorstep not knowing that they could have been drug dealers or been babysitting killers, No offense Masaru and Mitsuki

Mitsuki/Masaru: None taken

Izuku: You could have hired a Babysitter or maybe just have put me up for adoption, but instead you left me on a doorstep when I was just a baby with a knowing explaining stuff and saying how I was a mistake

Nemuri: I'm sorry...

Izuku: No, I might be a kid who's 17 but I'm not a Mistake. If I was a mistake then I wouldn't have been born and instead you would have gotten an abortion as you continued your career knowing you took a life from a innocent child but here you are randomly showing up apologizing when it's too late to apologize, you expected me to be all happy and finally smile and you get a reward? Well Congrulations to Nemuri, Mother of the Year reward goes to oh wait my dead beat mother Nemuri, Everyone give her around of Applause

Izuku then clapped his hands as Nemuri stood there feeling bad as she was just expecting a "good to see you" or "I can't believe that my Mom is a Hero", Izuku stood there quietly as Nemuri was standing there looking upset with herself. Izuku sighed as he realized that he might have been too much of a dick towards her.

Izuku: I'm sorry for saying what I did, I didn't mean none of it. It's just that this is alot to take in, but I'm not attending UA to because I don't wanna go to jail. I'm doing it because I want to be a Hero no matter what it takes

Nemuri: I know you'll be an amazing Hero one day but how about for now you come stay with me tonight and see if you feel more comfortable in a room to yourself?

Izuku: I guess

Izuku then told Mitsuki and Masaru he would see them tomorrow as he followed Nemuri out of the house and got into the passenger of her car, She then started the car and drove off to where she lives as Izuku remained quiet. All Izuku was thinking right now was what her place looked like since she was the 18+ Hero Midnight.

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