Chapter 5 Life Adjustments

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Later that Night Izuku had just walked into Nemuri's house which to his surprise it was surprisingly clean and neat, Considering Nemuri didn't show up at Mitsuki's house till 12 at night and didn't get back to Nemuri's place till 2 at night must have meant she either cleaned up or it always remained cleaned. Nemuri then hanged her coat on the coat rack as Izuku watched, she then walked over to the kitchen opening the fridge.

Nemuri: I have some left over Chicken and Vegetables I got from that Chinese restaurant near UA, You want some?

Izuku: No

Nemuri: Well you gotta eat something

Izuku: I said No and that's final

Nemuri: Look Mrs. Bakugo-

Izuku: Mitsuki

Nemuri: Right, Mitsuki told me you don't ever eat and that she usually has to force you to eat so if you don't eat then I'll have to force you to

Izuku: Can't because I'll just slip out of your grip or break out of it

Nemuri: Right....

Izuku: Exactly

Nemuri: Fair enough, you don't have have to eat anything and I won't force you to buy you need to start eating more

Izuku: No

Nemuri sighed as she gave up trying to convince Izuku to eat considering it wasn't getting nowhere, She then walked up the stairs as Izuku followed behind her. Once they got upstairs Nemuri opened a room door as she turned on the light to a room that was filled with All Might Merchandise and everything, Izuku stared at the room quietly and Nemuri watched.

Nemuri: So what do you think? I figured since kids your age still look up to All Might I just thought you were a fanboy

Izuku: I'm not if anything I hate him and wish he would retire already because he does nothing but let down kids dreams who are Quirkless

Nemuri: What are you talking about?

Izuku: Nothing

Nemuri: Okay that's a first I've heard someone say they hate All Might, Who would you prefer?

Izuku: Lady Nagant

Nemuri: Lady Nagant? I don't think they have Merchandise of that considering she was only around when you weren't born yet, She was kicked off

Izuku: No shit, I read the articles

Nemuri: Oh right, sorry. Well um I don't know what to tell you

Izuku: it's fine, I'll just buy some posters and stuff tomorrow since it's the Weekend

Nemuri: Okay what time?

Izuku: What do you mean?

Nemuri: I'll drive you to wherever you need to go, plus how else are you gonna afford the stuff you need?

Izuku: First off I'd rather walk, Second off It sounded like you called me poor and that seemed like an insult

Nemuri: No I'll be driving you to where you need to go, And I didn't call you poor. I just want to be nice and pay for whatever you pick up or need

Izuku: You don't even know if I'm staying here tomorrow, I might go back and continuing living with the Bakugo's

Nemuri: Yeah about that Izuku Listen....

Izuku: You had Mitsuki sign the Custody papers to where you have Full Custody of me again

Nemuri: How d-

Izuku: You laid a paper down on the kitchen table after you walked in here, while you were busy looking in the fridge I took a look at it

Nemuri: Look Izuku-

Izuku: No

Nemuri: Izuku enough, I wanna make up for the years I missed. I know what I did was cruel and everything because I left you in a random doorstep when you were a baby but I want to make up for it, I've got my shit together and I'm more prepared

Izuku: I don't trust anyone, yet alone myself

Nemuri: and I understand that, which is why I want to get know you better so I can understand what your into like a TV series, Movies, Games, Maybe even acting figures or books. Well comics since I see you read some Comic book everyday at school

Izuku: How's that gonna help me get to know you better? Your my Mom

Nemuri: Which is why I'll do the day as we go, I know you may hate me but I'll prove to you that I'll be a great Mom again

Izuku: I'll believe it when I see it

Nemuri: Okay then, Well I'll let you get some rest. So how about a hug?

Izuku: Not a Hugger

Nemuri: Oh I see, Well Goodnight

Izuku watched as Nemuri walked to her room and turned the light off, He then walked into his own room and looked around. Izuku felt sick and uneasy just seeing the amount of All Might Merchandise in his room because of how much he hated All Might, Izuku just wanted to throw up but pushed it aside and laid on his bed immediately falling asleep.

Morning time...

It was 8 in the Morning and Nemuri had just walked downstairs wearing jeans and a normal shirt with her hair up, She then walked into the kitchen and began to make breakfast as she heard the TV and turned the stove and oven off. She walked into the living room and saw Izuku watching a movie involving guns and killing as she saw Izuku watching and possibly smiling. She then reached over grabbing the remote and turned the TV off as Izuku stood up.

Izuku: I was watching that

Nemuri: I know but it's too early to be watching a movie like that

Izuku: Ugh

Nemuri: Why not come sit at the kitchen table? I made breakfast

Izuku: I already ate

Nemuri: What did you eat?

Izuku: Toast

Nemuri: Is that it?

Izuku: with Eggs and Bacon

Nemuri: Good I'm glad you ate breakfast

Izuku: Yeah suuure

Nemuri: Well I'm gonna go eat breakfast then grab my purse so that we can go to the stores you need to go to

After an hour Nemuri was now sitting in her room reading a book, Meanwhile Izuku was downstairs bored out of his mind but saw some movies on a shelf and walked over to them. The names of the movies seemed oddly weird but he grabbed one and placed it in the DVD Player as he pressed play, a few seconds later Izuku realized why all of the Movies had weird names. It was because they were actually Porno's which explained the weird names, He didn't care so he just kept watching it as it didn't bother him. Nemuri then quickly ran downstairs and over to the DVD player taking out the DVD.

Izuku: I was watching that

Nemuri: A Porno?

Izuku: So?

Nemuri: Your 17, you shouldn't be watching Porno's

Izuku: Sorry but when I'm sitting down here bored out of my mind then what do you expect me to do?

Nemuri: Maybe go outside

Izuku: Don't want to, besides you're supposed to take me to stores

Nemuri: I know

Izuku: So can you put the Porno back in the DVD player now?

Nemuri: You know what, let's go to the store

Nemuri placed the DVD back where the rest were as Ishe walked to the door, Izuku followed her as they both walked out of the house. Once they reached the car Nemuri started the car and backed out of her garage and then started driving to the store as Izuku remained quiet. Meanwhile screams of pain and agony came from an alleyway as the mysterious person pulled their Katana out of the corpse head.

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