Part 2

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Maha's pov:

The evening had taken a turn I hadn't anticipated, with Shahmeer Khan's altercation casting a shadow over what was meant to be a simple night out. As Shahmeer confronted the guy who had dared to disrespect me, I instinctively pulled Haroon away from the brewing confrontation. His fists clenched in anger, Haroon resisted my tug, his eyes fixed on the unfolding drama.

"Hold on, Maha," Haroon protested, his voice strained with frustration. "I can't just let that him get away with it."

"Please, Haroon," I pleaded, my tone urgent. "Let's just go home."

Haroon's gaze flickered to me, torn between his protective instincts and my plea for peace. Eventually, he relented, opening the passenger door for me. I slipped into the seat, and Haroon closed the door firmly before taking his place behind the wheel. With a determined resolve, he set the car in motion, the engine roaring to life as we sped away from the chaotic scene.

I was lost in thoughts about what had happened at the club, and I was struggling to make sense of it because I didn't like anyone touching me, and that jerk had touched my thigh. I was still lost in these thoughts when Haroon asked, "Would you like to eat something?" I replied, "No, just take me home, please." He nodded in acknowledgment, and the car began to head towards home.

As we entered the house, I could feel Haroon's frustration radiating from him as he headed straight to his room. I knew him well enough to recognize that he was likely blaming himself for the altercation. It was already late, around 10 o'clock, and I assumed that my uncle and aunt had retired to bed by now. Glancing at the pot on the stove, I noticed that it contained rice. Without hesitation, I decided to warm up some for both Haroon and myself. After heating up a portion of rice for each of us and preparing two glasses of water, I made my way towards Haroon's room.

Knocking gently on his door, I awaited a response, but there was none. Knocking again, I heard a gruff voice from inside, "Meenu, don't bother me." Haroon must have mistaken me for meenu, so I knocked once more. This time, he opened the door with irritation evident on his face. "Meenu, I told you-" His words trailed off as he realized it was me standing there. "Maha, you're still awake?"

"Yes, I heated up some food for us. Will you eat?" I asked, hoping to diffuse the tension.

He nodded in agreement, and I entered his room, placing the tray on the side table. "Chachi cooked rice today, so I reheated some. I'm sorry, Haroon, for ruining your day."

Haroon closed the door behind him and approached me. "You didn't do anything wrong, Maha. You protected yourself. You're not to blame."

I nodded in understanding and began eating my rice, while Haroon spoke up after a moment of silence. "By the way, I didn't know that shahmeer is the owner of that club."

I was taken aback. "You know him?"

Haroon nodded as he ate. "Yeah, I've met him several times in business circles. He's a decent guy."

I just smiled in response, focusing on finishing my meal. After I was done, Haroon brought up something unexpected. "Maha?"

I looked up at him. "Hmm?"

He hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, go ahead," I replied.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Maha, if I were to ask you to elope and marry me next week, would you do it?"

I was stunned by his question. "Haroon, what are you talking about?"

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